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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Some questions regarding features and integrations

Started by mastodon,

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mastodonTopic starter

Hey there Mario,

I got some questions for you, since i started to play with PhpVibe 3.3 for a day now :D.

1st thing that comes up in my mind, how could I block viewing access only to registered members?
2nd Does the script already has a "already watched by a user" feature? If not, which files do i need to edit to accomplish that?
3rd, I banged my head to the monitor already 3 times, which files do I need to edit in order to add another upload field for the SRT file, and where could I integrate the ffmpeg params in order to extract the thumbnail and the video duration in order to be automatically filled in the form from the right.

Sorry for asking so many things now Mario, but i had this project on pending for some months now, and now I really need to get things started asap.

Marius P.

1. Simple

if(is_user()) {
//he's logged
} else {
//he's not

2. Yes, it's in activity table, you can see how they are pulled in notifications and profile -> buzz
There is also a session field for guests with the array of watched ids.

Look at com/com_video.php immediately under

//Track this view

You have there all the code and it will put you in the right direction.

3. It's very hard for me to answer this as I have not played at all with ffmpeg and for now there is no time, we need to finish the plugins, importer from 3.1 and adult asap.

This modification would be very complex, involving jquery and php, but probably is best to change the way a video is processed on uploading.

Saving the form without the values and using a token, after ffmpeg pulls the duration and thumb, attach them to the video (by token) and make video published (this is the simples way I can imagine this without heavy jquery).
Probably is the way Youtube does it to.

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


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