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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] 2 Questions

Started by Bob.Weston,

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Bob.WestonTopic starter


1. What file and code do I need to change to make the default visibility for files being uploaded be "Users Only" Instead of "Everybody"?

2. Is it possible to implement a multiple image upload easily? Uploading 1 image at a time can get old :(



Marius P.

Hi Bob,
1. You use ffmpeg? If so videocron.php one of the queries for update, jut drop an

2. Uploader allows this, but processing has to be re-coded. Kinda hard to attach details to multi-uploaded images? We actually plan to make an image upload script next, since is heavilly requested, in PHPVibe we focus on video primarily.
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Bob.WestonTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
Hi Bob,
1. You use ffmpeg? If so videocron.php one of the queries for update, jut drop an

2. Uploader allows this, but processing has to be re-coded. Kinda hard to attach details to multi-uploaded images? We actually plan to make an image upload script next, since is heavilly requested, in PHPVibe we focus on video primarily.

Hi Mario,

I do use FFMPEG and opened the videocron.php but fail to find any privacy settings in there.
What I am talking about is when uploading a video or image, there is a radio button to set the visibility (see picture). I want this to default to "Users Only"

As far as the image multiple upload, a good start for this would be to be able to multi upload more than one image pertaining to the same description.
For example a kids birthday party has 50 images to upload.. would be nice to upload all 50 at once into it's own channel with one description instead of uploading 50 separate all with the same description.

Marius P.

Hi, example:

// Update so far
$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET thumb='".$thumb."', source='".$source."', pub = '".intval(get_option('videos-initial'))."'  WHERE id = '".intval($cron->id)."'");


// Update so far
$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET thumb='".$thumb."', source='".$source."', pub = '".intval(get_option('videos-initial'))."', privacy = '1'  WHERE id = '".intval($cron->id)."'");

privacy is default set 0 by the sql field definition.
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Bob.WestonTopic starter

I added it and now the images don't even upload..

is it possible you tell me where the radio button for visibility is located in the php?

Bob.WestonTopic starter

nevermind.. I found what I was looking for as far as images.. it is in com_image.php

<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="priv" class="styled" value="1"> '._lang("Users only").' </label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="priv" class="styled" value="0" checked>'._lang("Everybody").' </label>

changed it to

<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="priv" class="styled" value="1" checked> '._lang("Users only").' </label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="priv" class="styled" value="0">'._lang("Everybody").' </label>

I am guessing it will be the same for videos and mp3 in different files

Marius P.


Submision files are this ones.
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