[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] site freezes on upload

Started by shpeedie,

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shpeedieTopic starter

my site completely freezes whilst a video is uploading. It sits waiting and waiting no matter which link i click on, and then returns to normal the second the video has finished uploading. Do you know whats wrong here ?

PHPVibe A.

It happens when using jquery uploads on some browsers. The browser freezes not the site.

shpeedieTopic starter

ok thanks.

Is their an alternative to jquery ? or do I just have to avoid some browsers ?

PHPVibe A.

100% of PHPVibe's javascript/features are jquery dependent.
Recoding that for mootols/other library, would mean recreating all the js part of phpvibe and that's a large and time taking task.
Simply avoid opening other tabs of the same site while uploading.


Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

If you guys know any html5 good uploader that doesn't do this on upload...but I doubt there's anything on the market (except the industrial size websites which don't share code).


Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.


Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

It freezes to when bundled with other jquery plugins.
The uploader we use, standalone doesn't freeze either.


I did not understand a bit, you've already tested the new uploader?
and it also freezes at upload?
Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.

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