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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Select multiple categories...

Started by Nikolson,

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NikolsonTopic starter

How to select multiple categories for video?

PHPVibe A.

NikolsonTopic starter


NikolsonTopic starter

How to make so that you can rewind the video without waiting for a full load?
(I think that this should be done in the server configuration, but do not know what settings to make that work.)

PHPVibe A.

It's not a simple thing, not at all, the cms only accepts one category, every time we tried to add several more to it on large sites it was bringing down the server, so we had to drop the idea.

to make such a change you will need to edit the database and most queries in the cms...it would take a few days.

NikolsonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
It's not a simple thing, not at all, the cms only accepts one category, every time we tried to add several more to it on large sites it was bringing down the server, so we had to drop the idea.

to make such a change you will need to edit the database and most queries in the cms...it would take a few days.
Got it, thanks!

PHPVibe A.

We tried to make it like wordpress tagging with a database for allocations, but when you get to 100ks of videos, that allocation table is so big you can't query for it in a normal time, and nobody will wait 30-40 seconds for a page load...

NikolsonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
We tried to make it like wordpress tagging with a database for allocations, but when you get to 100ks of videos, that allocation table is so big you can't query for it in a normal time, and nobody will wait 30-40 seconds for a page load...

But you can make tags as categories?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Nikolson on
But you can make tags as categories?

If the guys from development figure an easy upgrade, when we change something we have to keep in mind some of our clients already have reached 5 mil+ videos.

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