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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] selling my account

Started by maldboy,

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maldboyTopic starter

I'd like to sell my license, including 6 serials & Branding Removal v2 & UltimaTube Theme v2 & PHPVibe 4 - Video CMS & Regular Sitemap.

contact  maldboy88 at gmail.com  skype maldboy.scatman


I am also looking forward to do the same but i don't know if its legal. I bought this script when they were promising to release the new version, promising lots of changes and new themes, i  was looking for the best script, so i chose this one thinking they were going to release what they promised. But nothing really changed, the theme is horrible, i was looking forward that new revolution theme, but i guess its never coming out since the admins from this website, doesn't really care and most of them quit. Sadly!!!

maldboyTopic starter

Quote from: cyonx on
I am also looking forward to do the same but i don't know if its legal. I bought this script when they were promising to release the new version, promising lots of changes and new themes, i  was looking for the best script, so i chose this one thinking they were going to release what they promised. But nothing really changed, the theme is horrible, i was looking forward that new revolution theme, but i guess its never coming out since the admins from this website, doesn't really care and most of them quit. Sadly!!!
it's your own license bro,you can do whatever you want.you have pay for that that's why you can do whatever you want with your licenses.share on forums maybe someone want's this. (i suggest you to sell the account on get.phpvibe.com  not domain license with the script) if you share the script for free then it's not legal.also the script without license doesn't work i gues :)

Marius P.


QuoteHowever! You are free to sell your account on the store to a 3rd party if you have decided to not use this product(s).

There is absolutely no problem with selling your account.

As for your remarks, yes, my devs keep quitting, this is because they have no time for developing, answering 500+ mails per days + forum topics, this project has highly become highly unrentable from us in the last year with IT salaries rising in Romania and the PHPVibe income remaining the same.
You don't find many coders willing to do support, unfortunately, we've posted ads everywhere to hire during the last months, had 16 interviews, but nobody wanted the job.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

maldboyTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on

There is absolutely no problem with selling your account.

As for your remarks, yes, my devs keep quitting, this is because they have no time for developing, answering 500+ mails per days + forum topics, this project has highly become highly unrentable from us in the last year with IT salaries rising in Romania and the PHPVibe income remaining the same.
You don't find many coders willing to do support, unfortunately, we've posted ads everywhere to hire during the last months, had 16 interviews, but nobody wanted the job.
mario, it is possibile to send the script on 1 person for testing before buying the acount from mee?
1) i activate 1 license for hem domain
2)i send hem the script

my point is,can work phpvibe without license?

Marius P.

PHPVibe doesn't work without license.
Your risk, if he shares it on warez it has your account id attached in the zip, so you'll get your account canceled...
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

maldboyTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
PHPVibe doesn't work without license.
Your risk, if he shares it on warez it has your account id attached in the zip, so you'll get your account canceled...
understuded bro :)   i asked you to know

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