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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Category icons and avatar and uploaded video not showing

Started by anb1990,

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anb1990Topic starter

Category icons and avatar and uploaded video not showing correctly
the are all displayed like play icon and in categories displayed in wrong dimensions like in attached image

I tried to chec uploads/.htaccec and i found inside it:
RemoveHandler .php .phtml .php3
RemoveType .php .phtml .php3

you can check the problem at

PHPVibe A.

Do the images actually upload? It could be an timthumb cache issues, try to empty out the folder cache/thumbs (every file in it deleted)



How can I increase the avatar to a full size for Members/Browse our Members?


PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Luiggy on

How can I increase the avatar to a full size for Members/Browse our Members?



tpl/members/members.php , you can add a class and resize/increase them from css.



On Dashboard when I search all users I can see the avatar in full size but on Browse our member not. Can you explain step by step how to add the class.


PHPVibe A.

Hi, on the members page they are resized, on the admin they are free size and resized with css.

See, we use this on front-end http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/demo/timthumb-basic/ since for users it will load bad to serve full image.

This is the line in that file that renders the avatar

<img src="'.thumb_fix($user->avatar, true, get_option('thumb-width'), get_option('thumb-height')).'" alt="'.$full_title.'" />

You can change it to

<img src="'.thumb_fix($user->avatar, false).'" alt="'.$full_title.'" />

To link directly to the image, and not resize it.



Perfect!! Look much better Now!! I just need to find where include the note saying (400x400px).

Thank you so much!!!

PHPVibe A.

Go create/edit the language with "en" as code and you can add that.





I tried to do the same for user avatar on tpl/main/profile/users.php changing the code <img src="'.thumb_fix($user->avatar, true, 101, 101).'" alt="'.$full_title.'" /> to <img src="'.thumb_fix($user->avatar, false).'" alt="'.$full_title.'" /> but did not work.

How I can show the user avatar on full size?


PHPVibe A.

This is the way to do it, maybe you got the file wrong? What list you try to edit it in? Show me a page printscreen.



PHPVibe A.

What you look for is in tpl/main/video.php not that file you've pointed.

<img src="'.thumb_fix($video->avatar, true, 60,50).'" />



Worked for video avatar but not for comments avatar (please see pic).  :(

Do I need change back the code on the file I had pointed (tpl/main/profile/users.php) to the original code?




PHPVibe A.



Can you verify the code on the pic because is not resizing. The original code was <img class="avatar" src="'.thumb_fix($comment->avatar, true, 55, 55).'"> and i changed to <img class="avatar" src="'.thumb_fix($comment->avatar, false).'" alt="'.$full_title.'"/>


PHPVibe A.

It shows full size, or what do you mean?
It's also touched by css (vibe.style.css)

.chat li img.avatar {
  height: 41px;
  width: 41px;
  border-radius: 4px;



It's ok, I don't need to change any code because I found out the avatar is not square and I like it like that.

Thank you!!!!!!  :D

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