[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Site cannot be crawled by Facebook's servers.

Started by RumbaGumba,

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RumbaGumbaTopic starter

Two days ago something happened and now Facebook can't scrape information from my site. In other words when I post something in Facebook it does not show thumbnail and any info about the post, only the main domain. I think Facebook has made some changes recently that require the phpvibe script to be changed but I am not sure. Take for example this post http://overvivid.com/video/1654/wardrobe-malfunction-on-a-game-show-/  Take a look at the bottom of the page where it says link cannot be crawled by Facebook's servers. Tried to debug the link but it gives some error: (Could not resolve the hostname into a valid IP address) and (The 'og:type' property is required, but not present) Do you have some ideas what can be the problem. It is urgent
Thanks in advance

RumbaGumbaTopic starter

The problem is only with the new videos I try to upload from Youtube. The old videos are fine

Marius P.

I think is Fb that has issues right now, randomly happens to our copyrighter as well.
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