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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] this video is currently being processed

Started by Bojan Ivancic,

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Bojan IvancicTopic starter

Yesterday I opened a topic because I had some problems with mp4 uploads.
I changed the MYSql
wait_timeout = 600
max_allowed_packet = 64M

I have a managed server and they say ffmpeg is new and working.

Yesterday I uploaded one mp4 video and had problems with thumbnail.
I now changed media & rawmedia permissions to 0777 and
permissions to 0555 (but Firezilla automatically puts it to 0755)

And now each .mov file I upload gets uploaded successfully but when I go to my webpage I only see a thumbnail that says:   this video is currently being processed.

Here is a link to the page http://talentshowroom.com/ you can see the new videos.

When I try to upload .mp4 files the upload just doesn't begin.

Please help.

Bojan IvancicTopic starter

And the .mov files are not in the media folder after uploading

Bojan IvancicTopic starter

I now managed somehow to have the videos in the rawmedia folder after upload, but I still cannot play the video. I only see: this video is currently being processed.
In the moderator / video manager it says: This URL is invalid or the video is removed by the provider.
Please help!!!


check the size of the video, if it is 0 Bytes, your video has not processed and you have a problem with your FFMPEG setup.. could be many things, first check your paths in the settings.

Bojan IvancicTopic starter

The size of the video in the rawmedia folder is normal. (not 0).
The path in the moderator is /usr/bin/php
I can now upload mp4 files, but they are without the thumbnail.
The .mov files get uploaded, are in the rawmedia folder with a normal size but on the site I only see the picture that says: this video is currently being processed
Do you have any ideas?


I had a similar issue a few weeks ago but I had a thumbnail and the videos were working for 1 day.. the next day they were not..
I ended up having to edit the database table myself with the proper working link and thumbnail to fix it. I do not know what caused it or why it happened but have not had an issue with it again.

here is the forum thread I posted in:


Bojan IvancicTopic starter

Thanks for that, my bigger concern now is that mov and avi files get uploaded but I only see that video is currently being processed.
What could be causing this problem?


I just noticed before you wrote that the rawmedia files are normal size.. that means the file successfully uploaded is all.. you have to see what the file size is in the media folder, that is where the output files for phpVibe go.. see if they are normal size.. if they are than ffmpeg is converting properly, if not or the files are not present, your ffmpeg is not working.

First and foremost I have to ask if you have a cronjob setup in your control panel?
If you don't I don't believe ffmpeg will even launch to start the file conversion process.

To see what is going on, you can create an output log by doing the following:

if you have access through command line, you can test individual videos with the command ffmpeg -i to convert the fvideo and produce an output log.
ffmpeg will convert the file and give you an output log where ever you want it.

You can do this like this:

ffmpeg -i /your video's path.avi -vcodec libx264 -s 640x480 -threads 4 -movflags faststart /your videos destination path.mp4 2> /path to output log/output.txt

You can also accomplish the same thing with the PHP by editing the videocron.php around line 12 you will find the OUTPUT statement, just add:

2> output.txt

between .mp4 and the quotation marks..

so it should look something like this when done:

$output ="{ffmpeg-cmd} -i {input} -vcodec libx264 -s {ffmpeg-vsize} -threads 4 -movflags faststart {output}.mp4 2> output.txt";

I have not tried it with that method because I do everything by command line if I need to test something... but you can try it to see if it produces and output.txt for u with that.. also do not forget to clean the cache after changing that file.

Hope that helps you some..

Bojan IvancicTopic starter

Only .mp4 files go to my media folder.
.avi and .mov files go to rawmedia folder, they are not present in the media folder.
Is this correct or is this a problem?


it is a problem.. because .mp4 files are not being converted by ffmpeg, they are just being moved there.
Your ffmpeg is not executing, so the first step is to check if your videocron.php is being called at all.

Bojan IvancicTopic starter

Sorry, just to understand this right, should the .avi and .mov files be in the media folder?
Because mp4 files are playing on my site.


no, the rawmedia folder is where the videos upload to.
phpVibe will recognize if a file is .mp4 and will just move or copy it to the media folder.

All other files will be handled by FFMPEG, so if this is not happening you need to troubleshoot why.

All I already wrote above is how you do that.

Marius P.

/rawmedia stocks the raw media (initial uploaded files: .avi, .mpeg, .mov, etc)
/media holds the final finals (the videos that show on the site: mp4)

Once a video is uploaded to /rawmedia it triggers videocron.php which converts via ffmpeg the file to mp4 and then stores it in /media

Is your ffmpeg working and tested with the tester?
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Quote from: @Mario on

Once a video is uploaded to /rawmedia it triggers videocron.php which converts via ffmpeg the file to mp4 and then stores it in /media

It is automatically triggered? If so, then we don't need to set up a cronjob to execute it?

Marius P.

It triggers it automatically in lib/upload-ffmpeg.php via exec()

//Needs converting
$db->query("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."videos (`date`,`pub`,`token`, `user_id`, `tmp_source`, `thumb`) VALUES (now(), '0','".$token."', '".user_id()."', '".$file."','uploads/processing.png')");
$binpath = get_option('binpath','/usr/bin/php5');
$command = $binpath." -f ".ABSPATH."/videocron.php";
exec( "$command > /dev/null &", $arrOutput );

if is an mp4 it just moves it (no re-conversion)
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