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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Source Code Curiosity

Started by Rafa,

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RafaTopic starter

In the root directory, "index.php" file we have two lines of code that I am curious about:


$sttime = microtime(true);

What is the purpose of these two lines and how are they used?

Marius P.


first http://php.net/manual/en/function.error-reporting.php

and second starts debugging, which can be enabled at the end of the file, removing the commenting around

if(is_admin()) {
echo "Time Elapsed: ".(microtime(true) - $sttime)."s [br /]";
echo "Database debug";
echo '';
echo '';
echo '----------------';
echo "Cache database debug";
echo '';
echo '';
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RafaTopic starter

I see...
And where/how does the

logs/displays these errors?


Marius P.

It displays them on the page as any php script (not a good idea for live sites).
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