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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How to add AD SPOTS to homepage?

Started by PHPClient,

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PHPClientTopic starter

Hi Mario!

I've been reading up in the forums on how to place additional Ad Spots using Admin Panel + coding via FTP that both you and Alex commented on in the past, but the information is a little broken up and placed in a couple of different areas of the forum.

What I would like to accomplish:

I would like to add 1 x Banner Ad at the top of my homepage AND I would like to add 1 x Skyscraper ad on the right sidebar (see sample attachment)

Please comment the following information:

1.  What Code Format should I use for each banner ad in the Admin Panel/Create Static Ad/ Ad Spot?
2.  Location of php script file on FTP to alter
3.  Coding to use in php files with instructions on which line to enter the coding.

I am using the latest version of PHPVibe with Template: UltimaTube

Thanks Mario!

Marius P.

if you are using UltimaTheme, that has no right sidebar, so placing ads there would require some serious editing of the home wrapper and an right position creation.
1. You should just enter your ad code(s) provided by your ad service used. Decide on a spot name, place the function for that spot name (visible in ads list) in the ftp file.
2. & 3. tpl/UltimaTube/home.php in your case, just after the opening div (for top homepage ad).

PS: If you will be upgrading to 4.0 you will loose all this modifications in a month (maybe bit more).
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