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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Confusion with - Sub-Channel´s

Started by ipeci,

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ipeciTopic starter

Hi ,
I have the following problem
If I create sub-channels it all works well in the beginning, I can assign the sub-channels to the right channels. But if I want to add something later to sub-channels I have the following problem that I the existing sub-channels can not be assigned, and also do not know which sub-channel to which channels belonging !!! ???
"See Photo"

The sub-channels should be imer displayed under his mother-kanäl and not in list of channels !! :rolleyes:


Marius P.

Hi, something to upgrade in xclub, sorry. will do.
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ipeciTopic starter

I believe that not only has to do with XClub script but with the whole vibe.
in the photo I took one sees two channels and two sub-channels each, a "most liked" to amateur, anda "most liked" to anal canal, however, which are both sized down and you do not recognize that "most liked to which channel belongs!

Marius P.

We've added that dropdown which styles and groups them, not all pages are updated to it, but will do.
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ipeciTopic starter

hey mario :confused:
I have now not quite understand what you've reply!
Please explain in more detail when will you fix this  :-\?


Marius P.

I will update xclub and the admin panel this week.
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ipeciTopic starter


ipeciTopic starter

Hey Mario
Can you inform me in private if you have this update ready, I need it urgently.
Please do not forget to send the link to update thread.
Thank you very much ;D

Marius P.

I haven't been online lately, so haven't worked anything, feeling kinda sick and taking a short forced break.
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ipeciTopic starter

hopefully it's just a flu  :-\
I wish you good improvement ;D

Marius P.

Is a repeating flu which kinda worries me, I was sick twice in a month, need to start doing some more than sit on a chair and code, since my immunity is very low.
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ipeciTopic starter

I believe you, this work that we all make is one of the worst jobs which man can have, and man should not overdo work with code for hours otherwise there are side effects in health, friends and family, and most you suffer yourself as this man not to get emotional calm, and man is always superior to man who makes break!
The worst is that man can not change it, so it's just the work with internet  :-\

Marius P.

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ipeciTopic starter


Marius P.

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

Marius P.

Just use this function instead of all that code for categories:

cats_select('expected field name')


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ipeciTopic starter

Hey mario,
i do not understand what you mean exactly, do you think I should replace the upper code by lower? Where can I find code?
thank you anyway

Marius P.

Ok,  redtube example, open moderator/redtube.php

and find

<select data-placeholder="'._lang("Choose a category:").'" name="categ" id="clear-results" class="select validate[required]" tabindex="2">
$categories = $db->get_results("SELECT cat_id as id, cat_name as name FROM  ".DB_PREFIX."channels order by cat_name asc limit 0,10000");
if($categories) {
foreach ($categories as $cat) {   
echo'<option value="'.intval($cat->id).'">'.stripslashes($cat->name).'</option>';
}   else {
echo'<option value="">'._lang("No categories").'</option>';
echo '</select>

replace it with:


Oh, my bad, admin still uses select2  :-\  why the fuck they haven't changed it?
I will update it, promise, was planning for 4.0 but will release a patch.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

ipeciTopic starter

ok thanks mario , i will yet not change nothing  better i will waiting with my project for your complette patch.

ipeciTopic starter

hi mario :(
i stoped my project and still waitin for patch :-(


Marius P.

I was free for my birthday, just got back.
It's pretty hard to start rewriting it now when 4.0 is in the making and the admin changes a lot...but I will do my best, even if I know in a few weeks you will update it to 4.0
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

ipeciTopic starter


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