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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How can I make the video boxes bigger on the website (and homepage)?

Started by ronyhage,

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ronyhageTopic starter


I want to make the video boxes a bit bigger to make it big and clean on all the website including homepage.

Can you please advise.

I attached a screenshot for what I mean. (The red Box will be bigger than the usual video box as you can see in the image)



I would also like to know that because the script is forcing the container to have 6 video boxes no matter what size of the width i place in .video


I was also looking into how to do this. so any help is apreciated thanks. O0

PHPVibe A.

The .video css definition is not enough for the carousel blocks
In /tpl/main/js/phpvibe_app.js

$(".owl-carousel").owlCarousel({items : 6,navigation : true, navigationText: [
      "<i class='icon-chevron-left icon-white'></i>",
      "<i class='icon-chevron-right icon-white'></i>"
      ],  itemsCustom : [
        [0, 1],
        [400, 2],
        [570, 3],
        [700, 4],
		[1000, 5],
        [1200, 6]

Here is the documentation http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/#customizing

ronyhageTopic starter

ok so i did this and limited it to 4 videos, so now only 4 videos appear per line, but the videos are still small. in which file can I play with the size of the video (on which code as well).


PHPVibe A.

ronyhageTopic starter

ok so I did this, but I was having a problem with the thumb picture, only the newly uploaded videos (after new sizes embedded in the code) are having the full thumb picture. otherwise, the video uploaded before size changes, some are not adjusting their thumb picture.

I have attached a pic for better understanding.

The weird thing is that I have old videos uploaded as well but adjusted fine. (but these old videos has been uploaded using phpvibe V3 not V4)

my website is www.doodeo.com

ronyhageTopic starter

ok done its fixed. as simple as fixing the thumb size from the dashboard.

ronyhageTopic starter

ok now facing another problem :(

Alex, can you just let us know where the codes are and well just change the heights and width and the space between them.

For example on the homepage we edited the carousel blocks and it was easy to edit the number of videos per line.

but what do we need to change in internal pages (attached picture for better understanding) to make it fit 4 videos per line? (I remember the V3 had that option in the dashboard, but doesnt seem this option is there in V4)

please help us.


PHPVibe A.

First: what you are asking is simple css.
All the rules in PHPVibe are global, so if you change on a page it will affect all other page of PHPVibe, it's not per page rule, else that css file would be huge, and nobody does that.

If you want to alter the .video css classes per page, use the body class (inspect elements, check body's tag class since it comes from the component).

For example a rule

.body-home .video {}

would only affect the .video on the homepage.

More than that I'm not sure with what can I help, I personally haven't needed this to have done it before and not sure how you altered the css rules so far...

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