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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] The Youtube Importer was upgraded to Youtube API v3

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Updated! It's done http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/phpvibe-announcements/phpvibe-4-0-patches/msg25866/#msg25866

The Youtube importer is being upgraded to V3 since V2 is now deprecated by Youtube.
Unfortunately for now the Youtube API V3 no longer offers the same functionality as V2.

For now with the V3 you can:

- Search videos
- Get channel/user's playlists
- Search videos from a playlist
- Get videos from a playlist

We are rapidly getting used to it and will be available replacing the V2 shortly.
The biggest set-back is Youtube removing the "video feeds" (most_viewed, most_liked, most_commented, etc) in V3 also no paginations (which we where able to trick  :D:-\
Youtube deprecating a good product (API v2) before offering the same quality in their V3 is unfortunately something we can't contribute or change on PHPVibe's side.

Quote from: Alexander on
Some features of the V2 are not permitted in V3, so a good practice would be to recreate the crons fresh.

For more info please see:
(You will need a key in the next importer) https://developers.google.com/youtube/registering_an_application




i'm also having problem importing videos from youtube.
i hope it start working soon. thanks

https://youtube.com/devicesupport < this video will add from youtube. nothing else.


I need that for v3.6 and also for v3.1 - I got a site that is running well with v3.1 and it would be a pity if it couldn't go on.





PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe A.Topic starter


Hello Alexander I have sent you a message about error im getting with youtube importer channel videos. when i try to import i get this error

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 400 No filter selected. : missingRequiredParameter' in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php:459 Stack trace: #0 /home/xxxxxx/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(338): Youtube->decodeSingle('{\n "error": {\n ...') #1 /home/xxxxxx/public_html/moderator/yt_bc.php(18): Youtube->getPlaylistById(NULL) #2 /home/xxxxx/public_html/moderator/main54.php(79): unknown() #3 /home/xxxxx/public_html/moderator/index.php(20): include_once('/home/xxxxxx/p...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/xxxxx/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php on line 459

also what about the saved jobs before update do we have to set auto videos all over again?



The extraction function is not working while uploading using youtube links (a thumbnail must be added to be able to save the video).

Extraction is important as thumbnails will be a hassle to the user and website.

Please advise.


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 400 Bad Request : keyExpired' in /home/izlekop/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php:542 Stack trace: #0 /home/izlekop/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(180): Youtube->decodeList('{? "error": {? ...') #1 /home/izlekop/public_html/moderator/yt_search.php(26): Youtube->searchAdvanced(Array, true) #2 /home/izlekop/public_html/moderator/main53.php(79): unknown() #3 /home/izlekop/public_html/moderator/index.php(17): include_once('/home/izlekop/p...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/izlekop/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php on line 542

what I need to do?


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 400 Bad Request : keyInvalid' in /home/FOLDER/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php:459 Stack trace: #0 /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(302): Youtube->decodeSingle('{\n "error": {\n ...') #1 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/yt_bc.php(6): Youtube->getChannelById('UCRXiA3h1no_PFk...') #2 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/main54.php(79): unknown() #3 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/index.php(20): include_once('/home/spanraj/p...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php on line 459


 :-[Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 400 Bad Request : keyExpired' in /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php:542 Stack trace: #0 /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(180): Youtube->decodeList('{\n "error": {\n ...') #1 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/yt_search.php(26): Youtube->searchAdvanced(Array, true) #2 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/main54.php(79): unknown() #3 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/index.php(20): include_once('/home/spanraj/p...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php on line 542


Hi, Alex.

all working fine. but there is no youtube import by user.
it will be later or no more.


for some channel, im getting  this error

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 400 No filter selected. : missingRequiredParameter' in /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php:459 Stack trace: #0 /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(338): Youtube->decodeSingle('{\n "error": {\n ...') #1 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/yt_bc.php(18): Youtube->getPlaylistById(NULL) #2 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/main54.php(79): unknown() #3 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/index.php(20): include_once('/home/spanraj/p...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php on line 459


can't import youtube: add remote video and youtube API --> it return blank page




Hi Alex

When i click "Explore chanel and import option in new tab" i get this

No page yt_playlistsearch.php found
No action adm-yt_playlistsearch found

and when try to ad by chanel sometimes i get this

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 400 No filter selected. : missingRequiredParameter' in /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php:459 Stack trace: #0 /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(338): Youtube->decodeSingle('{\n "error": {\n ...') #1 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/yt_bc.php(18): Youtube->getPlaylistById(NULL) #2 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/main54.php(79): unknown() #3 /home/spanraj/public_html/moderator/index.php(20): include_once('/home/spanraj/p...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/spanraj/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php on line 459

Thank you


Hi Alexander,
I have create an google API key and enabled YouTube Data API v3. I have entered API key to PHPvibe panel. But when I have tried to load a youtube address to my site I get blank page which have top menu and sidebar (look at prew01.jpg).

And when I have tried to import video from moderator panel I get white screen which have top menu and sidebar (look at prew02.jpg).

What must I do ? I see smiliar question at this thread : http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/client-debates/youtube-import/msg25893





Quote from: Alexander on
Please report any issues it was done in a huge rush.

ALEX can you please respond to ALL of our inquiries kindly. Many of us have productive sites that are not functioning properly...which means financial loss. A reply would be great.


Uploading videos from the web is not working properly still. It is not taking any info of the video and thumb has to be put manually. Pretty annoying and time consuming


I have no problem importing videos from youtube I just have a problem with facebook, and google image sharing it does not pick up the actual pictures, only on myspace, and tumbler, but no matter what I do images do not appear on facebook and Google sharing from my website


I am have Problem Too...

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Error 400 Bad Request : keyInvalid' in /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php:459 Stack trace: #0 /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(73): Youtube->decodeSingle('{? "error": {? ...') #1 /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php(476): Youtube->getVideoInfo('6QjnJqmR2lE') #2 /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/class.providers.php(842): Youtube->Single('6QjnJqmR2lE') #3 /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/class.providers.php(787): Vibe_Providers->get_details() #4 /home/u933587756/public_html/com/com_share.php(47): Vibe_Providers->get_data() #5 [internal function]: modify_content_embed('') #6 /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/functions.plugins.php(142): call_user_func_array('modify_content_...', Array) #7 /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/functions.plugins.php(170): apply_filter('the_defaults', '') #8 /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/functions.php(795): apply_filters('the_defaults', '') #9 /home/u933587756/public_html/tpl/main/sharemedia.php in /home/u933587756/public_html/lib/class.youtube.php on line 459

Please Hepl Me Soon !


that means you did not leave your youtube api blank, edit it and leave it blank al so it looks like you did not enable youtube api

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