[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Problem with ffmpeg on mp3 uploading

Started by megzz,

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megzzTopic starter

sorry I've added thumbnail upload to mp3 upload page but it shows up only when ffmpeg is OFF , when i turn ffmpeg on thumbnail upload part doesnt show up !
how i can keep thumbnail upload field and ffmpeg both working together ?


PHPVibe A.

Show me the code you have added, I can't help with this info.

megzzTopic starter

<?php if(!is_user()) { redirect(site_url().'login/'); }
// SEO Filters
function modify_title( $text ) {
 return strip_tags(stripslashes($text.' '._lang('share')));
$token = md5(user_name().user_id().time());
function file_up_support($text) {
global $token;
$text  = '';
$text .= '
<!-- The basic File Upload plugin -->
<script src="'.site_url().'lib/maxupload.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" >
      maxFileCount: 1,';
$text .= 'target: \''.site_url().'lib/upload-mp3.php\',';

$text .= '   
        data: {"token": "'.$token.'"},
        onComplete: function (data) { processVid(data);  },
      onError: function () { findVideo("'.$token.'"); }      


return $text;
add_filter( 'filter_extrajs', 'file_up_support');
if(isset($_POST['vtoken'])) {
$tok = toDb(_post('vtoken'));
$doit = $db->get_row("SELECT id from ".DB_PREFIX."videos where token = '".$tok."'");
if($doit) {
if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {
$sec = _tSec(_post('hours').":"._post('minutes').":"._post('seconds'));
} else {
$sec = 0;
$formInputName   = 'play-img';                     # This is the name given to the form's file input
   $savePath        = ABSPATH.'/'.get_option('mediafolder').'/thumbs';                        # The folder to save the image
   $saveName        = md5(time()).'-'.user_id();                           # Without ext
   $allowedExtArray = array('.jpg', '.png', '.gif');   # Set allowed file types
   $imageQuality    = 100;
   if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {
$uploader = new FileUploader($formInputName, $savePath, $saveName , $allowedExtArray);
if ($uploader->getIsSuccessful()) {
//$uploader -> resizeImage(200, 200, 'crop');
$uploader -> saveImage($uploader->getTargetPath(), $imageQuality);
$thumb  = $uploader->getTargetPath();
$thumb = str_replace(ABSPATH.'/' ,'',$thumb);
} else { $thumb  = 'uploads/noimage.png';    }

if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {
$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET thumb='".toDb($thumb )."' WHERE user_id= '".user_id()."' and id = '".intval($doit->id)."'");
$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET privacy = '".intval(_post('priv'))."', pub = '".intval(get_option('videos-initial'))."', title='".toDb(_post('title'))."', description='".toDb(_post('description') )."', duration='".intval(_post('duration') )."', category='".toDb(intval(_post('categ')))."', tags='".toDb(_post('tags') )."', nsfw='".intval(_post('nsfw') )."'  WHERE user_id= '".user_id()."' and id = '".intval($doit->id)."'");
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET privacy = '".intval(_post('priv'))."', pub = '".intval(get_option('videos-initial'))."', title='".toDb(_post('title'))."', description='".toDb(_post('description') )."', category='".toDb(intval(_post('categ')))."', tags='".toDb(_post('tags') )."', nsfw='".intval(_post('nsfw') )."'  WHERE user_id= '".user_id()."' and id = '".intval($doit->id)."'");
add_activity('4', $doit->id);
$error .= '<div class="msg-info">'._post('title').' '._lang("created successfully.").' <a href="'.site_url().me.'">'._lang("Manage media.").'[/url]</div>';
if(get_option('videos-initial') <> 1) {
$error .= '<div class="msg-info">'._lang("Melody requires admin approval before going live.").'</div>';

function modify_content( $text ) {
global $error, $token, $db;
$data =  $error.'
<h3 class="loop-heading"><span>'._lang("Share a melody").'</span></h3>   
   <div class="clearfix vibe-upload">         
   <div class="row-fluid clearfix ">
   <div id="AddVid" class="span6 pull-left">
   <div id="dumpvideo"></div>
   <div class="row-fluid clearfix ">
    <div id="formVid" class="nomargin well ffup">
   <form id="validate" class="form-horizontal styled" action="'.canonical().'" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
   <input type="hidden" name="vfile" id="vfile"/>   
   <input type="hidden" name="vup" id="vup" value="1"/>   
   <input type="hidden" name="vtoken" id="vtoken" value="'.$token.'"/>
   <div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Title:").'</label>
   <div class="controls">
   <input type="text" id="title" name="title" class="validate[required] span12" value="">
   if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {
   $data .= '<div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Thumbnail:").'</label>
   <div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="validate[required] styled"></div>
   <div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Duration:").'</label>
   <div class="controls">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span4">
<input type="number" min="00" max="59" name="hours" class="span12" value="00"><span class="help-block">Hours format: hh</span>
<div class="span4">
<input type="number" name="minutes" min="00" max="59" class="span12" value="00"><span class="help-block align-center"> Minutes format: mm</span>
<div class="span4">
<input type="number" name="seconds" min="01" max="59" class="span12" value="00"><span class="help-block align-center">Seconds format: ss</strong></span>
   $data .= '
   <div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Music category:").'</label>
   <div class="controls">
   <div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Description:").'</label>
   <div class="controls">
   <textarea id="description" name="description" class="validate[required] span12 auto"></textarea>
   <div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Tags:").'</label>
   <div class="controls">
   <input type="text" id="tags" name="tags" class="tags span12" value="">
   <div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("NSFW:").'</label>
   <div class="controls">
   <label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="nsfw" class="styled" value="1"> '._lang("Not safe").' </label>
   <label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="nsfw" class="styled" value="0" checked>'._lang("Safe").'</label>
   <div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Visibility").' </label>
   <div class="controls">
   <label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="priv" class="styled" value="1"> '._lang("Users only").' </label>
   <label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="priv" class="styled" value="0" checked>'._lang("Everybody").' </label>
   <div class="control-group">
   <button id="Subtn" class="btn btn-large pull-right" type="submit" disabled>'._lang("Waiting for upload").'</button>
return $data;
add_filter( 'phpvibe_title', 'modify_title' );

if((get_option('uploadrule') == 1) ||  is_moderator()) {   
add_filter( 'the_defaults', 'modify_content' );
} else {
add_filter( 'the_defaults', _lang("Uploading is disabled") );
//Time for design

megzzTopic starter


Marius P.

if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {

Checks if FFMPEG is disabled.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

megzzTopic starter

ffmpeg is on and the code is the same ... what to do ?

PHPVibe A.

You need to remove that if (this is what he meant).

For example:
if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {
   $data .= '<div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Thumbnail:").'</label>
   <div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="validate[required] styled"></div>
   <div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Duration:").'</label>
   <div class="controls">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span4">
<input type="number" min="00" max="59" name="hours" class="span12" value="00"><span class="help-block">Hours format: hh</span>
<div class="span4">
<input type="number" name="minutes" min="00" max="59" class="span12" value="00"><span class="help-block align-center"> Minutes format: mm</span>
<div class="span4">
<input type="number" name="seconds" min="01" max="59" class="span12" value="00"><span class="help-block align-center">Seconds format: ss</strong></span>

Means he will print thumbnail in form and duration only if FFMPEG is OFF, you can split the if to print the thumbnail all the time.


   $data .= '<div class="control-group">
   <label class="control-label">'._lang("Thumbnail:").'</label>
   <div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="validate[required] styled"></div>
if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {
   $data .= '

and also up

if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {
$uploader = new FileUploader($formInputName, $savePath, $saveName , $allowedExtArray);
if ($uploader->getIsSuccessful()) {
//$uploader -> resizeImage(200, 200, 'crop');
$uploader -> saveImage($uploader->getTargetPath(), $imageQuality);
$thumb  = $uploader->getTargetPath();
$thumb = str_replace(ABSPATH.'/' ,'',$thumb);
} else { $thumb  = 'uploads/noimage.png';    }

the if needs to be removed:
$uploader = new FileUploader($formInputName, $savePath, $saveName , $allowedExtArray);
if ($uploader->getIsSuccessful()) {
//$uploader -> resizeImage(200, 200, 'crop');
$uploader -> saveImage($uploader->getTargetPath(), $imageQuality);
$thumb  = $uploader->getTargetPath();
$thumb = str_replace(ABSPATH.'/' ,'',$thumb);
} else { $thumb  = 'uploads/noimage.png';    }

Else, it will not be executed.

PHPVibe A.

And also in processing

if(get_option('ffa','0') <> 1 ) {
$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET thumb='".toDb($thumb )."' WHERE user_id= '".user_id()."' and id = '".intval($doit->id)."'");
$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET privacy = '".intval(_post('priv'))."', pub = '".intval(get_option('videos-initial'))."', title='".toDb(_post('title'))."', description='".toDb(_post('description') )."', duration='".intval(_post('duration') )."', category='".toDb(intval(_post('categ')))."', tags='".toDb(_post('tags') )."', nsfw='".intval(_post('nsfw') )."'  WHERE user_id= '".user_id()."' and id = '".intval($doit->id)."'");
} else {
$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET thumb='".toDb($thumb )."' WHERE user_id= '".user_id()."' and id = '".intval($doit->id)."'");

$db->query("UPDATE  ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET privacy = '".intval(_post('priv'))."', pub = '".intval(get_option('videos-initial'))."', title='".toDb(_post('title'))."', description='".toDb(_post('description') )."', category='".toDb(intval(_post('categ')))."', tags='".toDb(_post('tags') )."', nsfw='".intval(_post('nsfw') )."'  WHERE user_id= '".user_id()."' and id = '".intval($doit->id)."'");

If you look, I've also inserted the thumb adding after the "else".
sorry, next time start with "I'm not a coder" so we know which answers to give you.

Marius P.

Use attached file as com/com_music.php and you'll be done.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

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