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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] UltimaTube/Brasil Theme How To/Support

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Please post here anything you want to know or change on the UltimaTube/Brasil theme.

Some tips:

Making jwplayer's height fit:

open lib/class.provider.php and around line 147 remove this

aspectratio: "15.4:8",

Recommended thumb size (under Configuration)

175 per 98

Large logo issues:
Drop this at the end of css/vibe.style.css

a.logo {
width: 130px;
width: calc(100% - 62px);

You can adjust the values as it fits your needs/size.
First value is in px as a fallback for browsers that don't support css calc().

Sidebar/Menu always visible

Open tpl/brasil/sidebar.php and find this line:

<div id="sidebar" class="hide">

replace with

<div id="sidebar">

in tpl/brasil/tpl.globals.php find:

<div id="wrapper" class="container">

<div id="footer">

and change them to

<div id="wrapper" class="container haside">

<div id="footer" class="haside">

Jquery fix for mobiles (Hide always visible sidebar):

In phpvibe_app.js
If you want to hide it by default in mobiles.

if ($( window ).width() < 600) {
if ( $("#sidebar").is(":visible") ) {

In the document ready.

should look like

if ($( window ).width() < 600) {
if ( $("#sidebar").is(":visible") ) {

Pad more the footer with css for the always visible sidebar:
Add this in tpl/brasil/css/vibe.style.css (last line for example)

#footer .haside {padding-left:190px!important}

Change the 190 to fit your needs.

== End sidebar always visible changes ==


Brasil updated to v1.1 compatible with 3.6 b

Basically added player.ads.css to list of css files in tpl.globals.php, a small list of extra css queries to css/vibe.style.css (commented) and a new file called channels.php
Channels link in sidebar.php now sends to /channels

If you re-download the Brasil pack it's there.
To vibe.style.css you just have to add the css rules from under
/* 3.6b updates */

Also,in tpl.globals.php under:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.tpl().'css/lightbox.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.site_url().'lib/players/ads.jplayer.css"/>
and copy channels.php
There is also a small link edit (Video channels link) in sidebar.php

You should not loose any changes (unless you overwrite files)

Make Brasil's video page wider:
Open css/vibe.style.css and find this line:

.body-video #wrapper {max-width:1040px!important;margin-top: 58px;



to your desired percentage or pixel size.

Using the wider version of the video page

Copy /large video player's folder content to tpl/brasil/
Open the admin panel and go to Settings -> Players Config

Change video page settings to:
width: 840
heigh: 480

(or test and choose your own dimensions).

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

What resolution you use? I think the player's ration needs to be touched, but it will look bad for other ones...hmm.

That last one is an ad :) I've deleted it for people to not have the same curiosity :)

You need to detail the first 2.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Check now for the sidebar, we added an bigger padding for low resolution.


Quote from: Alexander on
Check now for the sidebar, we added an bigger padding for low resolution.
okey :) super Was.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Keep posting, Mario will look tomorrow and fix them.
Right now, midnight on my free day, have to get some sleep :)


Quote from: Alexander on
Keep posting, Mario will look tomorrow and fix them.
Right now, midnight on my free day, have to get some sleep :)

oky :)


its just something very small :D   

#show-sidebar {
    outline: medium none;

and overall its a rly nice theme I've done something similar! :)

Marius P.

Looking deeper into the responsive engine before announcing the release.
You can move those blocks in sidebar.php with copy&paste @matrak.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

@matrak show me where this is

Cause I cannot find something similar on our installs.
U deleted cache?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Theme's css files updated, also sidebar.php as requested.


Quote from: @Mario on
Looking deeper into the responsive engine before announcing the release.
You can move those blocks in sidebar.php with copy&paste @matrak.

Thank you Mario :)
I forgot to buy early.
Was 33 euro. I have 25 euros.
and student. Can you help me please.
I am waiting for your reply. : matraktvcom@gmail.com


Quote from: Alexander on
@matrak show me where this is

Cause I cannot find something similar on our installs.
U deleted cache?

this person's profile: http://www.videoinedit.com/profile/tugrul-can/1022194/

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Hmm, I know from where it is. He has a Fb linked picture, will fix height via css on the avatar.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Done, needed fixed sizes to avoid remote images being big.

.timeline-av {margin-right: 10px; float: left; width:40px; height:40px;}


Quote from: Alexander on
Done, needed fixed sizes to avoid remote images being big.

.timeline-av {margin-right: 10px; float: left; width:40px; height:40px;}

been yes. :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

For the advertising on the playlist page

You can place it like

<div class="span2 nomargin pull-right">
<?php echo //generated ad spot code; ?>

For that margin, I'm not sure I understand what's the problem with the content's margin...

For the share box overlapping a bit:

I think it needs an clear:both the .video-share


i want buy this themes. but can u change home page design? home page design look so simple. not nice.


Quote from: xda on
i want buy this themes. but can u change home page design? home page design look so simple. not nice.

All other pages are very nice.
Home can be more beautiful. I agree with you.
At least you'll have that. (This might be) http://i.hizliresim.com/YPG6WE.png


I've noticed on the mobile version when you try and bring up the categories they never load


Quote from: matrak on
All other pages are very nice.
Home can be more beautiful. I agree with you.
At least you'll have that. (This might be) http://i.hizliresim.com/YPG6WE.png

Yeah. This home page beautiful

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