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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] UltimaTube/Brasil Theme How To/Support

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

If you move the sidebar out of the wrapper, you can change it's position from fixed to absolute.
This is the only way, you can't have overflow hidden (need to scroll) and overflow visible (needed for submenus) unfortunately.


Hello PHPVibe,

I would like to know, how do I make the Menu always Active (Open) in all the sections.

Thanks for the support.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: megaman79 on
Hello PHPVibe,

I would like to know, how do I make the Menu always Active (Open) in all the sections.

Thanks for the support.

Hey, read up?

I've updated the first post now with all the threads


Got it my friend.

Thanks a lot.  By the way:

How do I configure the Related Videos to be base on the Video Title user is watching.

Example: If i'm watching a video with Title: The Best of John Michael Music. I want the related videos on the Right Sidebar to be as 99.9% related to the Video Title Only. This way I can have more Page Views if user watch related videos to the video they just watch.

I hope I make my point clear.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.Topic starter


Quote from: Alexander on
We will prepare a tutorial for this, when support will be bit lighter.
Subscribe to this http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/how-to/how-to-related-video-in-sidebar-by-title-not-channel-new-updated-video/msg18814/#msg18814

Alexander, please keep in mind this also. Allow us to chose how many Relate Videos we want on the Sidebar. Remember that we put Ads on that site also.etc,
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

That option already exist in the admin.


Quote from: Alexander on
That option already exist in the admin.

Where is that option in the Admin? When I'm watching videos, is showing 12 videos in the Right Sidebar.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: megaman79 on
Where is that option in the Admin? When I'm watching videos, is showing 12 videos in the Right Sidebar.


"Very Happy with PHPVibe"


Hello PHPVibe,

The Search box has some issue with long keyword search. It show 0 results for long keyword search.

Example: videos congregasiones catolicas
Example: videos catolicos de musica

Thanks for the support,
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Not a theme issue. And there are threads about it.


Quote from: Alexander on
Not a theme issue. And there are threads about it.

Hello Alexander,

Is there any solution for this. I know is not a theme issue, is something with the code. This fix is very important to me.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"



my website with Brasil is completely blank/white!
It worked until i uploaded brasil.

I also changed in load.php "main" with "brasil"...what is the problem?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Do you really expect a solution based on that amount of info?
Are the files in tpl/brasil/ (no uppercase, no other path?)

At least enable error reporting and tell the error


If i see only blank pages how can i see the debug in the moderator area?  >:(

I cannot open any pages!
And yes i uploaded the files right...
my website goo.gl /LxJE8U

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

The debugging is to enable print error on the site and not on the moderator...

You know all I can see right now is your blank page also..


I enabled it following your topic but i can't see nothing..no debug code..

PHPVibe A.Topic starter


Hello PHPVibe,

By using this peace of Code for the Logo, will allow me to use a large logo in my site.?

Large logo issues:
Drop this at the end of css/vibe.style.css

Code: [Select]
a.logo {
width: 130px;
width: calc(100% - 62px);

The 130px (means my logo width must 130, if I want it 160 width, just change the 130px ?

Thanks for the support.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"


I'm creating some Pages, but Spanish characters.

Sample: Est� autom�ticamente vac�a

I need the following characters: á é í ó ú ñ

Thanks for the support.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: megaman79 on
I'm creating some Pages, but Spanish characters.

Sample: Est� autom�ticamente vac�a

I need the following characters: á é í ó ú ñ

Thanks for the support.

Check this http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/editor-of-the-page-is-not-working-correctly/msg16738/#msg16738

Don't post in the theme thread unrelated subjects, better search and open a new topic.


Hi all

Firstly sorry for my bad English really I can't speak Eng. well.
To day I was bought script + brasil theme and brand removal.

I am not expert about php. I have  few questions about video viewing page.

here to link what I need http://prntscr.com/470j63 also http://prntscr.com/470klv I don't need 5 small
video box in each line if possible I am need 3 or 4 video box for each line.

Can same one tell me how Can I edit all off this ?

Please note I am not expert for php and css but same one can explain with  understandable
yes I can edit by my self.

Thanks to for your time.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter


I can guide you trough where to edit but that's as much as I can do as part of support.

For video width on the video page you have in
vibe.style.css in tpl/brasil/css folder this:

.body-video #wrapper {
max-width: 1040px!important;
margin-top: 58px;

This setts the page's width (which contains video player and right side, bottom area).

And the video holder is span77 which is defined in responsive.css (same folder), for desktop the rule is :

.row-fluid .span77, .span77 {
width: 59.31%!important;

If you modify this number, you also need to remove/add to the sidebar (so the percentage is kept a bit below 100%, but not over 100%)

You can do that by forcing another width to it
.video-under-right {
width: 40.17%!important;

For video boxes you need to edit in tpl/brasil/home.php the loop, but there is alot of css to put in there and configure, if you don't know html/css...

Maybe I can help a bit later, when support will be lighter, right now after the 2 weeks vacation there are a lot of urgent topics to attend!


Thanks Alexander, nearly done with yours help, but I have another problem and I cant fixed.

in this picture I don't have any problems, and I am need like that, http://prntscr.com/498z0w

but in this screen shoot http://prntscr.com/4991ot when i click to sidebar icon ad go to the down on near sidebar but I don't need this, and I must be use 728 x 90 size ad, I think if I cat little bit from right sidebar may done but I am not sure, if yes I can do with this way please explain me how? if not please explain to me another way.

Sorry for bad English and thanks for helping.


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