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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Upgrade from PHPVibe 3.6 to the new PHPVibe 4

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Simple process:

2. Upload /For Upgrade/sqlupdater.php to your root install of PHPVibe (same main folder as load.php) and open it in browser as yoursite.com/sqlupdater.php
Make sure the sqlupdater.php file has output when running it:
Homepage table updated...
Users table updated...
Search indexes updated...
Performance indexes updated...

If this is printed on a blank page, the other "codes" are the sql transact debug, you can skip them if there is no error (nevermind warnings).
3. Overwrite files on your server with the /For Upgrade/Upgrade files/ content.
4. Make the folder /cache/full/ writable (chmod 0777 or 0755, depends on server)
5. Clear your browser cache & site cache from /moderator
6. Cleanup stage: remove embed.php and feed.php from your root (they are deprecated and moved to components).
7. Security : Make sure all the .htaccess files in storage folders are new (Keeping the old ones may raise security risks).
The new .htaccess files (for example in /media, /cache) have this content:
RemoveHandler .php .phtml .php3 .php4 .php5 .php6
RemoveType .php .phtml .php3 .php4 .php5 .php6

IF you have changes you wish to keep, you should document and paste them (if they don't cause conflicts), you can use a text compare tool, this does a good job and it's free http://sourceforge.net/projects/kdiff3/


I have been trying to upgrade for a while now without any luck.

I followed the guide here after running the db updater I got results see attachment.

The website is death now I get the following error when I try to visit the website

Warning: require_once(/home/user/public_html/lib/Router.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/saleel/public_html/load.php on line 29
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/user/public_html/lib/Router.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/saleel/public_html/load.php on line 29


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

You miss this file /home/user/public_html/lib/Router.php
Make sure you upload all the files.

The sql errors are normal if you run the sqlupdater more than once, but they are harmless.



Thank you for you reply, The files is already uploaded and it exist on the website. I even tried to reupload it but same results url: http://goo.gl/8fz5gk


I encounter two problems after upgrade to 4.0.

index page not loading see

Menu block videos page

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: hamnawa on

Thank you for you reply, The files is already uploaded and it exist on the website. I even tried to reupload it but same results url: http://goo.gl/8fz5gk

Seems an permission or some other sort of error, the error clearly states that it can't find the files, make sure it's not router.php on server, and Router.php doesn't have some weird permissions

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: teckvo on
I encounter two problems after upgrade to 4.0.

index page not loading see

Menu block videos page
If you don't show me a link or something, I can't guess from pictures.


Quote from: Alexander on
Seems an permission or some other sort of error, the error clearly states that it can't find the files, make sure it's not router.php on server, and Router.php doesn't have some weird permissions

Thank you Alexander, That solved the issue actually in version 3.6 it named router.php but upgrade folder Router.php I deleted the file from the server and uploaded it again it solved the issue.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: hamnawa on
Thank you Alexander, That solved the issue actually in version 3.6 it named router.php but upgrade folder Router.php I deleted the file from the server and uploaded it again it solved the issue.

Glad to hear that!


Activity feeds appear on page when I access the website and disappears after a while.
I have tested different browsers different systems even mobile same results.
What can be the problem?
see attached pic.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

This is the way it should work...it checked on every refresh if there is new activity (has an time freeze, to not overload).


Hi guys, I've been trying upgrade on my own, but my technical knowledge is limited.  I am on step 3. of Alexander's instructions, but the upload function will only allow me to upload files one at a time and not in groups.  How do I upload the whole "Upgrade" folder together?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: dudleyz03 on
Hi guys, I've been trying upgrade on my own, but my technical knowledge is limited.  I am on step 3. of Alexander's instructions, but the upload function will only allow me to upload files one at a time and not in groups.  How do I upload the whole "Upgrade" folder together?

Use filezilla or other ftp, open the upgrade folder, select all files, upload and overwrite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJdVp_1p4jU


When i use the sqlupdater.php I get this error What to do?

QuoteHomepage table updated...
Comments table updated...
Users table updated...Search indexes updated...
Performance indexes updated...
ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Last Error -- [Duplicate key name 'uid_uni']

Query [25] -- [alter  table v34_likes add unique uid_uni (uid, vid)]

Query Result..
No Results

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

It's harmless, you already had that change in the database so it triggers the warning and skips it.


Thank you Alexander for your help!!!  :))  I followed your instructions and the upgrade is up and running.  Now I have to figure out how to restore some of my customizations from my old site.  I did back it up before installing the upgrade.  I had a linked banner in the (header) of my homepage at the top that used to link to my Youtube channel.  It's gone now, but I'll try to figure out how to put it back.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: boydie100 on

I'm getting a vibesetts error and no videos or channels, I'm over 20 sites

Post the error, you're sure all your files are fresh? I can't see any error output.
Did you compare your vibe_config.php with the new one, maybe you have double definitions


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