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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Upload of files for Video & Music disappears.

Started by TrackNation,

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TrackNationTopic starter

I've got something really strange going on with the uploading of video and music files. The ability to upload files comes and goes. Most of the time the file selection box where you choose the file you would like to upload is just not there. If you look at the screenshots you can see they're only a minute apart. With no changes to any settings or files. All I did was click refresh. The same thing happens in different browsers and computers. I'm on v4.21 I searched the forum but didn't find anything similar. Any ideas would be appreciated.

TrackNationTopic starter

Here's my error log. I see a lot of cache errors. Could this be cache related?


am having the same issue with my video upload, i have tried several tips on the forum but still not working

TrackNationTopic starter

I'm not sure why it would start doing this all of a sudden with no changes to files, host, .etc. I've uploaded a few videos in the past with no issue. The odd thing is that when the choose a file dialogue is available I can successfully upload a file. I tried a test file yesterday.



are you using cloudfare?

also, have you tried to clear cache and full cache?

TrackNationTopic starter

Thanks for the response. I'm not using cloudflare. I've cleared my cache, thumbs & full directory. Just left the index files. I've also deleted all insite ads just to make sure they are not a contributing factor. Here's a screen shot of when uploading was available earlier today.

TrackNationTopic starter

Quote from: gen2solo on
am having the same issue with my video upload, i have tried several tips on the forum but still not working
I just uploaded a file successfully on your site. Have you done any troubleshooting since your last post?

Marius P.

You definitely use something which compresses the js files because everything is broken.

Uncaught ReferenceError: mod_pagespeed_4CJaC4Vl1z is not defined
phpvibe_app.js.pagespeed.jm.SO8tzupTTb.js:8 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).fluidbox is not a function
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

TrackNationTopic starter

Thanks for the input Mario. Forgive my ignorance but is this compression being done by my host? I checked for any optimizing software but none is being used to my knowledge. Or is this a file I should be looking for somewhere?


most likely it is being done by your host, minify and some other methods could be in practice to reduce bandwidth usage

Marius P.

I would look into disabling mod_pagespeed , I personally have no experience with it.
But its probably the thing on the server which compresses all files and breaks the jquery libraries.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

TrackNationTopic starter

Mario, if you were standing in front of me I'd hug you. If you scroll down to the QnA you can see that our host did use Pagespeed. They've disabled it and everything seems fine now.
Thanks again for the help guys.


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