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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Show Videos from Most Liked on Related Videos

Started by manueltech,

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manueltechTopic starter

Hi, i was reading in the forum , but i can't find what im looking.
1. Is there a way to show random Videos from Most Liked Category on Related Videos when the users sees the video. (Vines)
2. How i can add a next and previous button below the video. (Better if the videos are taken random from Most Liked) (Vines)

This 3 questions have no Priority by now, but if you can answer could be perfect:
3. When i add videos from vines, theres a lot of duplicates,always i have to do a sort on the vibe_videos -> source and delete them from the Database.
4. How i can make a cron for downloading vines?
5. I'm working my site in spanish language, and i see that i have problems with SEO. Any suggestion?

Sorry for asking so much, but i'm trying to clean all my doubts. Thanks

Marius P.


1. Sure, just edit the query in tpl/{yourtheme}/layouts/user_videos.php to one that suits your needs.

$uresult =$db->get_results("select ".$options." FROM ".DB_PREFIX."videos WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id='".$video->user_id."' and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0 ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."videos.id DESC ".this_offset(get_option('related-nr')));

WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.user_id='".$video->user_id."'
with your selection logic.

$nextvideo = guess_next();

A simple implementation of next button:
<a href="<?php echo $next['link'].'&list='._get('list'); ?>" class="tipS" title="<?php echo _html($next['title']);?>"><i class="icon-forward"></i></a>

You can write your own function, based on your needs (in functions.php base on guess_next).

I don't have a solution yet for previous, would be having to use

but php's native
may work also.

3. Vine importer? I'll have a look at it and update it to skip duplicates.
4. You can simply download the video using any of php's options http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16518033/best-way-to-get-a-file-from-remote-server-and-copy-to-local-server-using-php and change the source to local/videoname.mp4 in the insert
5. I can't make suggestions without knowing what the issues are. Can you please describe and example them?
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
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