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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Video not showing

Started by DWillionaire,

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DWillionaireTopic starter

I'm using PHPVibe but when I click on any video, single video page don't showing the video. Here is an example http://www.toptenunsigned.com/video/video/28/britney-spears-is-done-with-the-music-industry/. Attached is the backend settings screenshot for this video. Please help.



Have you tried a different player?
'Player Config' on the left in your moderator panel.
Change the relevant players to something else, and see what happens.

DWillionaireTopic starter

Thanks. Yes, I've tried other video players but still not working. When I want to access embed src link like http://www.toptenunsigned.com/video/embed/28/ it is showing not found instead of showing video. Is it a permalink issue?


Marius P.

Most important aspect is this:

Do you use FFMPEG?

If NOT : Is it closed under "Crons & FFMPEG" in admin?
If YES: Is it version 1.0 and above? Is it configured correctly and tested with the tester?
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DWillionaireTopic starter

Thanks. I've disabled FFMPEG and tried again with different players but not working.

Marius P.

What video format are you uploading? If you don't use ffmpeg you are limited to web playable formats: flv, mp4.
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DWillionaireTopic starter

I actually want to show youtube video. Video is showing good in backend in video preview screen but it is not showing in frontend. This is first time I'm using this script for my client so can't understand everything properly. Will I send you backend login in your email so you can examine?


Marius P.

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