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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] URL seo for Arabic / Other languages

Started by alireza,

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alirezaTopic starter

You have some Arabic language, or what's the issue so I know how to help...

You have

alirezaTopic starter


alirezaTopic starter



If you wanna change the language of the website you must edit yourselff the words use a dictionary en=arabic and go to moderator you have an option to create new language use it!!!(TRANSLATE THIS!!!!!!!!)

alirezaTopic starter

Are you OK؟

url seo phpvibe   not show  language arabic


I have show



Salom Alireza,

Follow those steps here http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/how-to/url-name/

and it should work for u


alirezaTopic starter


alirezaTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

alirezaTopic starter

Tested,no  works

There is no other way?

alirezaTopic starter


alirezaTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Alireza there is no support in weekends. Stop bumping threads for nothing and read the support rules.

I'm not sure how you did the change, but it works ok for me applying the function change and testing with that keyword.

Quote from: Alexander on
Try this, open lib/functions.php


// seo rewrite function
function nice_url($url) {
$string ='';
//$url = check_invalid_utf8($url);
// translate other languages
$url = url_translate($url);
// remove all chars
$url = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]+/","-",strtolower($url));
//remove doubled -
$url = str_replace(array('-----','----','---','--'),'-', $url);
return urlencode(strtolower($url));

and replace with

// seo rewrite function
function nice_url($iniurl) {
$string ='';
//$url = check_invalid_utf8($url);
// translate other languages
$url = url_translate($iniurl);
// remove all chars
$url = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]+/","-",strtolower($url));
if(nullval($url) || ($url == "-") || ($url == "--")) {
$url = str_replace(' ','-', $iniurl);
//remove doubled -
$url = str_replace(array('-----','----','---','--',' '),'-', $url);
return urlencode(strtolower($url));

alirezaTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Oh, sorry, I've tested it on 3.6, not 4.0

Not sure, have to check, may be that the new router doesn't accept at all those type of characters, or there is just one character that breaks it.

PHPVibe A.

I see if I type


it turns to


Moving the id from second to first....which is really weird.

I suggest removing the :name/ from the url under Settings -> Permalinks. It will be much better for your seo experience than to have unreadable urls.


this is really required feature as having a non-latin characters is very possible in foreign websites.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: marketania on
this is really required feature as having a non-latin characters is very possible in foreign websites.

I'm not sure yet where is the issue.
All I can advice is temporarily removing the :name from Settings -> SEF to make it work.

PHPVibe A.

I've managed to make this work on the new PHPVibe, patch 13 coming today will fix this issues fully.


i hope the patch 13 will fix the hebrew language too.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: akavis on
i hope the patch 13 will fix the hebrew language too.

It should fix all with special characters, but please provide some terms to test if it doesn't.


if the arabic language is good, The hebrew need to be fine too, the patch 13 is in the air? for download.

PHPVibe A.


Hey Alexader

My Url Seo Is: /video/26080/li-amp-ecirc-n-kh-amp-uacute-c-nhac-tre-hay-nhat-th-amp-aacute-ng-5-2015-nonstop-viet-mix-h-i-t-djung-bat-anh-manh-me/

I am using Phpvibe 4.20....and vietnamese is mistake..

Can you fix it...

Thanks you


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