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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] User Activity or Watching History

Started by youplaytvforum,

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youplaytvforumTopic starter

I have noticed that any person (even a guest) can watch what users are doing/watching >>>>> on their time line. So when you click on new user, their history is shown. Unless they are friends, this should be limited to only registered user  and administrator. This is a privacy issue, and hopefully there is a feature that addresses this (I could not find though)

I look forward to hearing on this.

PHPVibe A.

There is no restriction, as I know Youtube does the same. There is no need to enforce privacy on users in a video portal, it's not like they will share personal stuff...but, as you please, the edits should be done in tpl/main/profile/activity.php


hi. Alex
To customize the Activity section. you just need to do in order to see them.

other users to see the Activity section.

please help me.

PHPVibe A.

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