[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] user rank

Started by wetvibes,

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wetvibesTopic starter

Based on this query:

$users = $cachedb->get_results("SELECT  @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rownum,id,name,avatar,views FROM ".DB_PREFIX."users , (SELECT @rownum := 0) AS dummy order by views DESC ".this_limit());

can anybody make it a global function so we can rank users?

We can use $user->rownum as a ranking number but i dont know how to make it a global function.

PHPVibe A.

What are you trying to rank it by? You've complicated the question with that query.
You could rank by : number of profile views, activities, likes on videos, views on videos, etc.

wetvibesTopic starter

i wanna rank by profile views. but i wanna be able to display the rank number on the profile page also.

PHPVibe A.

This should be very easy, you have the profile views fields, already existing and printed in the profile.
Not sure what else you look for?

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