[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Video editing

Started by x5000x,

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x5000xTopic starter


I have issue when regular user uploads video and try to edit it, gets message "Video editing has been disabled by the administrator"

In the Uploads configuration => Own videos editing rule => is set to Owner can edit but still gets message
"Video editing has been disabled by the administrator"

phpVibe 3.4

Am i missing some other configuration that needs to be set?

PHPVibe A.

Could be a bug, I'm looking into it.

x5000xTopic starter

Mr. Alexander,

Have you had a chance to look into this?

Please let me know.

PHPVibe A.

Sorry, not yet, just added it to upgrade list check, to many mails at support this days.

PHPVibe A.

Just asked Mario, bug is confirmed:



if((get_option('uploadrule') <> 1 ) ||  !is_moderator()) {

should be

if((get_option('uploadrule') <> 1 ) &&  !is_moderator()) {

so the fix is turning || to && in this line.

x5000xTopic starter


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