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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Video Embed Issue - #Error 1085

Started by riker1981,

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riker1981Topic starter

I just bought this wonderful script to compliment my WordPress like cms script. I am experiencing a "Task queue failed at step 5 error #1085" error. My main cms runs from the root folder / while phpvibe runs from a directory within the same domain /phpvibe/.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve issue? My cms runs jwvideo player.

Thank you and have a wonderful day

PHPVibe A.

Hi! The error shows in the player? Can you show me a link, but first disable php hide path from admin.

riker1981Topic starter


PHPVibe A.


This is wrong, this should be a link to the actual video file...not your url

riker1981Topic starter

Thanks. I am not sure how to make it show the real/absolute path to the file as you suggested. Any ideas?

PHPVibe A.

I don't know what you have there...why not just use the PHPVibe iframe embed?

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