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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How do I correctly "show" sidebar instead of "hide?"

Started by PHPClient,

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PHPClientTopic starter

I altered sidebar.php at the top of the script to "show" instead of "hide" and even though it always showed channels, like I want, it messed-up the layout of the page with video play and logo in the corner (see attachments)

How do I fix this?  When I keep the sidebar.php to it's original format and click on the channels on my frontpage it looks fine with video window re-scaling and logo shifting over, but when I change "hide" to "show" it throws everything off.


Marius P.

show me the link, I can't tell you like this, I need to be able to see what's going on in your css/html.
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PHPClientTopic starter


Here's a sample link to the problem I'm having: http://www.spankwank.com/video/189687/dustin-diamond-american-actor-screech-from-saved-by-the-bell-/

Line 1 of /public_html/tpl/UltimaTube/sidebar.php was altered from: <div id="sidebar" class="hide">   TO <div id="sidebar" class="show">

After this change was made, the layout issue occured.

When sidebar.php is left original and a user clicks on channels on the website front page, everything shifts over to the right nicely with no issue.  It's when I change format to "show" from "hide" that the layout gets messed-up

*** By the way, I would also like to have "Video Channels" show automatically and give the user the preference to collapse the list if they want to.  What FILE and CODE should be used???


Marius P.

There is a support thread for this theme which has all the changes http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/how-to/brasil-theme-how-tosupport/ including the one you look for, have you searched the forum? It could spear you a lot of time and nerves!

For the video channels visible I think you just have to add "open active" to the main li in sidebar.php

<li class="lihead open active">
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PHPClientTopic starter


Thank you for the link and the instructions for video channels.

I ALWAYS search the forum before I ask any questions.  I typically spend a lot of time searching before posting questions.  The challenge I come across is that I typically do a "Keyword" search for different terms on a topic that I am looking for and rarely do I get a good HIT.  Usually, it's just a lot of other information that contains the keyword and I am very specific too.

I will spend more time getting to know the forum and it's Admin/Moderator created topics and sub-topics.

Thanks for taking a moment to assist me!

Marius P.

No worries, just said it for you (In case you didn't knew), I admit the smf forum has flaws( including results ranking), we will switch to some other more professional in the future.
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