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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] (SOLVED) Some videos show black

Started by SoporteTi,

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SoporteTiTopic starter

Hi again, I'm having more problems with PHPVibe and I need to solve this ASAP.

Last Saturday I reinstall the script, deleteing and creating new Db and User, I'm upload videos in mp4 format and now the problem si, some videos is showing ok, and others don't show I verified the URL and duration and is correct.

This video is an mp4 with my standard production configuration: http://videoteca.soporteti.net/video/29/windows-server-2012-trabajo-con-variables-de-entorno-de-usuario/

This is one video with problem: http://videoteca.soporteti.net/video/31/windows-server-2012-ver-tablas-de-enrutamiento-con-netst-netsh-y-route/

In Internet explorer can't play but in chrome the video starts automatically and has sound but no video...

Please, I need to solve this problem because my users can't see some of the content and I need to continue producing more videos for my comunity.

Thanks so mucho for all.

Marius P.


how are you adding this videos? something is wrong, the path in your media is:

media/2012/Windows Server 2012 -Ver tablas de enrutamiento con netstat netsh y route.mp4

is missing domain and also the video name is an random string. Have you modified something?

And for the video itself, it has no image, just sound, check the source http://videoteca.soporteti.net/media/2012/Windows%20Server%202012%20-Ver%20tablas%20de%20enrutamiento%20con%20netstat%20netsh%20y%20route.mp4

Do you use ffmpeg?
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SoporteTiTopic starter

I have other threat open on this forum because I can't use the multimedia uploader of PHPVibe, then i'm uploading files in mp4 format to my media directory and separate in directorys becuase I need to upload near 1.000 videos, the url is correct, when Upload this files if type a wrong URL the system don't proceed.


Marius P.

If you have spaces and special characters in the file name in many scenarios the players won't work.
As for the video file itself, it depend how is encoded externally:

This has some format info http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1403635-media-format-reference
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Marius P.

Btw, if you externally input videos to PHPVibe you should use in sql:


For compatibility, not /media/ ... or are you adding them as remote videos?
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SoporteTiTopic starter

Yes, i'm adding as remote videos because can't upload with the Upload Page from Vibes, then I'm uploading all content with this metod.

Yo can see the site at http://videoteca.soporteti.net and all videos are upload with the same procedure and linked with Add Media -> Add

All videos has the same codecs and compresion... now I'm renaming this vídeos with problem with a number.mp4 but the problem persists

SoporteTiTopic starter

Now i have installed the ffmpeg 2.4.2 version but the problem persist, I'm installed a second instance of script on other domain in the same server and I test the script on this site.


do you have a link you can provide that shows a black video?
Cause this sound like a player settings issue.

SoporteTiTopic starter

Yes the link is http://informaticapanovatos.com/video/1/windows-server-2012-ver-tablas-de-enrutamiento-con-netst-netsh-y-route/

I'm thinking the video has a problem or similiar... All my videos are compressed with the exact same settings, codecs and options and I don't understand because this video is not showing... Now i Try to recompress and test again, but when try to play this on an html document on my local machine, this vídeos is showing ok...

SoporteTiTopic starter

I think i found the problem, testing again the problem is showing on my computer, the videos that has 30 frames per second are working ok, but when these videos has 18 frames per second, they can't reproduce the vídeo, only the audio... Now I will to  try to reconvert this videos and test these, when I finish, I tell the result on this topic


Quote from: SoporteTi on
Yes the link is http://informaticapanovatos.com/video/1/windows-server-2012-ver-tablas-de-enrutamiento-con-netst-netsh-y-route/

I'm thinking the video has a problem or similiar... All my videos are compressed with the exact same settings, codecs and options and I don't understand because this video is not showing... Now i Try to recompress and test again, but when try to play this on an html document on my local machine, this vídeos is showing ok...

It is not black for me, it tries to play but don't.
The video length shows 2:26 but nothing happens

SoporteTiTopic starter

The problem is solved, I downloaded a video from YouTube and then plays ok!! The framerate is 25fps not 18...

This is the link.


Thanks a lot for all your time and support.

SoporteTiTopic starter

How I can to change the title of the post? I will to add (SOLVED) to help other users to find this solution.

Marius P.

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