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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Video views

Started by pumbany,

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pumbanyTopic starter

When I log into my control panel at the top one site says video views 157,403 and on my other site it says video views 339,150

What do these numbers represent?  Are these the total times that people have viewed videos on my own site since I began the site?

Does this mean that the videos were viewed directly on my site or are these the views that happened on youtube? (I am trying to understand the control panel stats)

Marius P.

Those are visitors and search engine hits on pages (video pages), nothing else.
A search engine crawler can generate a lot of views, since it can slip php's sessions.
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pumbanyTopic starter

So the 500,000 total number that I see at the top of  the control panel includes search engine crawler hits. So this number is kind of useless.

What about the number that appears below each individual video.  I manually totalled these for all my videos and the number is much lower just above 100,000.

What does this lower number represent?  Are these real people that actually came to the site and clicked play on videos?  Or does this lower number also search engine crawler hits?

Marius P.

The top of the control panel calculates the hits on the videos (total, crawler, people), the video views are cached, so they are not updating real time (on the video page), there are several discussions about this.
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