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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] View " Embed "

Started by Wnux,

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WnuxTopic starter

how to ensure that the views when the videos are put on the other site "embed" are accounted in views

because I have after putting some videos on a site I with "embed" more than 80 views

and the page view videos that I 5

Marius P.

the embed views are not tracked, just site views.

This is the tracking code from com/com_video.php:
//Track this view
 if(is_user()) {
 /* Look if he's watched it before*/
  if(!has_activity('3', $video->id)) {
 $db->query("UPDATE ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET views = views+1 WHERE id = '".$video->id."'");
 add_activity('3', $video->id);
 } else {
 /* Track visitors trough a session */
 $track_it = true; /* Start with positive */
 if(isset($_SESSION['seen']) && !empty($_SESSION['seen'])) {
$watched_list = (array) explode(',', $_SESSION['seen']);
if ( in_array($video->id, $watched_list))    {  $track_it = false; /* Seen before */ }
/* Add to session and update views count */
$_SESSION['seen'] = $video->id;
$db->query("UPDATE ".DB_PREFIX."videos SET views = views+1 WHERE id = '".$video->id."'");
//End visitor
//End tracking

You could place it in embed.php also just before this line:

} else {
//No video
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i was embed my video.but embed player showing right and bottom scroll,how to fix this issue,please check my sample url


PHPVibe A.

The player size (in admin settings) is bigger than the iframe size, I'm actually experimenting with a new embed type, please be patient, it may do a lot of good.


admin panel where?how can i ajst embed player,please tell me step by step

WnuxTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
The player size (in admin settings) is bigger than the iframe size, I'm actually experimenting with a new embed type, please be patient, it may do a lot of good.
cool alexander :))

WnuxTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
The player size (in admin settings) is bigger than the iframe size, I'm actually experimenting with a new embed type, please be patient, it may do a lot of good.
with "jplayer" impossible to see the volume menu, full screen...

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Wnux on
with "jplayer" impossible to see the volume menu, full screen...

That player is responsive => bigger than the iframe size (set by video height and width in the admin panel).

WnuxTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
That player is responsive => bigger than the iframe size (set by video height and width in the admin panel).
what size I need to put that to embed works perfectly?

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