[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Video upload error

Started by sohrab,

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sohrabTopic starter

Hi there,

I'm getting the following error when I try to upload video from PC.

I set permission to 777 on /media and /uploads folders.

Error: Upload Failed : Bad Response: 400 Bad Request. Failed to parse POST data.

Thank you in advance for your help.


sohrabTopic starter



Have that issue again after the upgrade fixed this once, now back to where I started see image, Just keep going around in circles here.

PHPVibe A.

@sohrab show me a copy of your error log and what mode does the server run? It says it cannot parse $_POST data.
@garantj21 I'm not sure how you upgraded, tmp_source field was added in 3.4, not 3.5

run :

ALTER TABLE  `vibe_videos` ADD  `tmp_source` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL AFTER  `source`

via phpmyadmin, make sure you change vibe_ to your table's prefix.



Thank you that did the job nice one.

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