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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Website activity problem.

Started by aryan2029,

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aryan2029Topic starter

Dear support.

my control panel's Website activity is very long and takes a lot of time to lead the panel page.
how can i remove it ?

Marius P.


remove this:
<div class="row-fluid">
<section class="panel panel-danger ">
<div class="panel-heading">Website activity<>
<div style="padding:4px 14px;" >
$pagestructurex = admin_url()."?p=";
$count = $db->get_row("Select count(*) as nr from ".DB_PREFIX."activity ");
$vq = "Select ".DB_PREFIX."activity.*, ".DB_PREFIX."users.avatar,".DB_PREFIX."users.id as pid, ".DB_PREFIX."users.name from ".DB_PREFIX."activity left join ".DB_PREFIX."users on ".DB_PREFIX."activity.user=".DB_PREFIX."users.id ORDER BY ".DB_PREFIX."activity.id DESC ".this_limit();
$pagestructure = canonical().'&p=';
$a = new pagination;   

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@Mario its there any way to add activity users on sidebar?Thanks in advance

Marius P.

Quote from: maldboy on
@Mario its there any way to add activity users on sidebar?Thanks in advance

You wish to place the activity of the user (on his profile) in the sidebar? There's not enough space there, but if you fully rework the css it could work...
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not on his sidebar.... i want to remove on homepage the "NEW USERS" and to add the activity users.what users are doing to show on homepage

Marius P.

Quote from: maldboy on
not on his sidebar.... i want to remove on homepage the "NEW USERS" and to add the activity users.what users are doing to show on homepage

That would take a lot of coding.
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yes but its perfect to add this on homepage sidebar

Marius P.

What would be the point to lose so much time to code this and then start over on 4.0?
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Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


just am telling.... it  will be perfect if you add this in future

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