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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Website Time

Started by Bob.Weston,

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Bob.WestonTopic starter

is there a place somewhere that the time can be set?
I don't know where the time is being queried but the time in my moderator is always 7 hours off.
Like when I log in, it says logged in 7 hours ago, or upload a video, it says uploaded 7 hours ago.
It cannot be grabbing the server time because I use EST (New York) and I am only 6 hours difference from there.

Any help on what to do?



I would like that information too!!!

Marius P.

Top of vibe_setts.php

/** Timezone (set your own) **/

Change it to your php timezone http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php (make sure the second line is not commented with /* */ or //)
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Bob.WestonTopic starter

Thanks Mario!

I set it for my time zone and it said everything was 6 hours off.. so I set it for EST and it is right on.
So that means the time has to be set to the same time as the server the website is on, not your local time zone.


Marius P.

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