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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] jPlayer specific ads

Started by supernova9537,

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supernova9537Topic starter

Iam trying to add jplayer ads

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home3/donetube/public_html/newfilmytube.com/moderator/videoads.php on line 9

Thank you

Marius P.

Hi, is a notice (not error) that says you have no ads.

Open /moderator/index.php and hide the notices by changing:




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supernova9537Topic starter

I dont think that is the solution because its not creating any jplayer specific ads,it showing empty

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home3/donetube/public_html/newfilmytube.com/moderator/videoads.php on line 9
jPlayer specific ads

Nothing here yet.

Marius P.

Tell me a bit about your site, is it upgraded or new install?
If is upgraded, did you run the database upgrader also?
If is new, what is the error on the new ad submit/error logs?
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supernova9537Topic starter

Upgraded..and i have not run the database importer..

and videos on jplayer not full screen 

Please check this url

and script no mobile compitable...

there is no option for adding logo on jplayer but it show your logo

Please do usefull

Thank you

supernova9537Topic starter


Marius P.

That link uses jwplayer not jplayer (and I see the logo on it).
jplayer takes the logo you upload in admin as player logo (player settings).
The site adapts for me, but your custom elements look bad on mobile.
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supernova9537Topic starter

Ok but cant add jplayer ads

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home3/donetube/public_html/newfilmytube.com/moderator/videoads.php on line 9
jPlayer specific ads


Marius P.

Click Ads -> Create jPlayer Ad
You have no business in videoad.php to create an ad (that error says you have an empty list of ads).
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