[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Xclub plugin not working (videos not working)

Started by shtefcs,

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shtefcsTopic starter


Recently all my videos from redtube stoped working. Here is screenshot http://screencast.com/t/3nKJbyDSd.

Anyone else ?


PHPVibe A.

It seems Redtube has moved to leaseweb cdn, which is really bad news, since they key is no longer time based, but on access, which means every request = new key needed, which makes this feature become very heavy.

Open lib/class.providers.php

and replace the full red_key function with this.

// Get redtube token 
      private function red_key() {
	  return $this->get_new_key();	 

PHPVibe A.

shtefcsTopic starter

Hi Alex,

Can you tell me exactly what u mean by going to become very heavy ? How much and why ?

Also, Off topic. When u released 3.6v, u went on vacation, in mean time lot of people found lot of bugs, stuff not working. I wanna wait finally to release some stable version so i dont need to manually update my sites 5 or times, whenver u fix something. So my question, when u gonna release final stable version and fix all those stuff ?

PHPVibe A.

I'm not sure, would depend on every device.
Before the key was cached for hours and there where mostly 2 requests per day for it.
Now every video page refresh with an redtube video on it will request the new key.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: shtefcs on
, in mean time lot of people found lot of bugs, stuff not working.

I didn't see any issues except configuration script/server side, just this one, and I've finished all threads.

shtefcsTopic starter

Idk, I remember that i saw lot of threads about things not working. Good, if it's like u said. So, the version 3.6 is stable now and can be installed ?

PHPVibe A.

shtefcsTopic starter

Hi Alex,

I downloaded latest adult pack plugin and installed on two sites 3.3v and 3.6v. On both of them, redtube videos are not working. I am missing something ? Cause i see none ask about it, so it's must be problem on my side only.

3.3v showing this http://screencast.com/t/seHlAU38
3.6v showing this http://screencast.com/t/8fv1sBKYV

Can you guess maybe what causing problem ?


PHPVibe A.

Does the player not loading issues is on 3.6? Cause that was patched shortly after it's release.
I'm not sure about the other one.

I think redtube is right now between two cdn hosting storage with different access security. Does it do like this for all videos?

shtefcsTopic starter

I really nice described you and putted screenshots for each version what happening ? What are you not understanding ?

AGain, for 3.6v i get this http://screencast.com/t/8fv1sBKYV. I would be appreciate to you, to take this really serious, cause my site which had 20k uv per day, went down to 12k a day, just cause videos are not working. It was work of 6-7 months and lot of investments. So. please take it serious, and try to help as much u can.

I provided you with all info i can, and if u need a NEW info, just let know.

YES, all videos. Is it make difference ? Obvious if I had problem with few videos, I would not even cry about it.

Waiting for your urgent replay.

shtefcsTopic starter

I am sorry if this look roughly from my side, my acting, but you must understand. I am spent days trying to update and fix it on my own, then few days for you to respond, and then u come with such a stupid question, which i already explained you.

So, try to understand my position, my sites are going down, and I see that you don't care much or at all.

PHPVibe A.

shtefcs if I could guess stuff from a screen I could have given you an answer.
I'm not sure why your videos do like this, that fix worked for our demo and for my personal site and works fine.
Now, if you wanna debug and provide some valuable intel that I can help based on, yes, I can help.
If you provide me screens all I can answer is "yes, it looks like that videos doesn't play since the source is not available", now you understand me also?

Something odd I notice is that on our side the token is grabbed as .mp4?st=LMXd7DpiNDphkPKEQ9fJkA&e=1399111242
while on your setup is grabbed as .mp4?st=LMXd7DpiNDphkPKEQ9fJkA , so second parameter seems to be missing on your setup.

You can echo an
echo "this is the current token: ".$vid->red_key();

in tpl/main/video.php to check if this happens all the time.

Sustaining large traffic on a different platform's bandwidth is also a problem, they may have banned you as referral/ip and that's why the secondary token is not grabbed.
Nobody likes to pay for others, that's clear.

shtefcsTopic starter


Tnx for your replay.

I finally updated my other sites and found what was problem. In Redtube settings should be like this http://screencast.com/t/n841e3wDQI.

For some reason, after update, i had my old settings there with some values.

Anyway, thank you for tried to help and sorry for little madnes, the feeling is not good when something you build ed over time going down. Hope you understand.


PHPVibe A.

This is exactly how the old xclub functioned, but it doesn't anymore.
Cashing the hash is no longer an option, as the cache changes on every access (even on seconds).


So my videos aren't working on my website I have the older xclub plugin if I update it will that all be fixed? when you click on the videos "error loading media file could not be played" pops up will that be fixed if I update it?

PHPVibe A.

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