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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Your release is older

Started by djcyry,

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djcyryTopic starter

Hello ,
I just downloaded and install the cms script (today)
and in the admin panel i get this :

QuotePHPVibe 4 - Video CMS
Current : 4.22
This: 4.21
Your release is older. [Info]

Why ? thanks
My sets : www.djcyry.com




update your site with the latest version downloaded phpvibe

djcyryTopic starter

My sets : www.djcyry.com


Quote from: djcyry on
I already do this ...
:-\ cleaned caches and repeat the update and clean the caches


I have the same problem I upgraded and repeat but still
PHPVibe 4 - Video CMS
Current : 4.22
This: 4.21
Your release is older. [Info]


I'm have the same issue. It says I'm using an older version. It says I'm using version 4.22 and that 4.222 is the latest version but I don't see anything about it in the forums.


Same here ! It's says Current : 4.222 This: 4.22..








Quote from: Wnux on
update your site with the latest version downloaded phpvibe

It displayed it the very first time I installed it. I bought the script, downloaded it, installed it, and then it said that. Unless a new release came out a minute after I downloaded it.


I think maybe the upgrade was not finished  yet, mario will fix considering he is launching. The new version


Same issue
how can i fix
anyone help me


Quote from: giovanni on
I think maybe the upgrade was not finished  yet, mario will fix considering he is launching. The new version

Lmao. That version you are speaking of has been sat on for about a year. Don't get your hopes up in it actually being used. I got the template being I originally thought it was going to be applied. Since they advertised it as their 4.0 version. To only realize it wasn't lol.

To top things off. Found out I had a playlist, description, and block limitation; which threw me completely off. Being it never stated you will have limited character descriptions, a 100 playlist display limit, and a 3 block limitation. That completely threw me off. Being these are serious major features. What's worse is you find out That your parent channel if categorized in a block. It won't display sub category videos on the main page display block for your site. I had no clue this template had so many restrictions. Being their main site demo shows the exact opposite.

Forget getting real support. You'll set up a topic that will never get read to fix these issues. It's basically a screw you and figure it out our template issues by yourself sort of deal lol

I don't get the logic of telling them to tell people to ask other people in the forum. When most of the people in the forum have no clue themselves to fix their own personal problems for their template.

If you're going to at least sell a product. Send it with an actual tutorial or display it somewhere on the site that hit these main issues.

That's why I feel you are shyt out of luck.

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