[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Photo only

Started by elitepromo,

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elitepromoTopic starter

Is it possible to use phpvibe for Images only? and add navigation above and below the images? also only all users to upload images only?

PHPVibe A.

Sure, you can achieve this in "Uploads config", the only thing you need to remove is the menu for videos in the sidebar, which has no switch off.

elitepromoTopic starter

Can you help me to integrate this with the site.. http://www.uploadify.com/demos/.. i want to bulk upload images.. the title of the images been uploaded will be the caption... it can be a single page i don't mind. thanks much.

PHPVibe A.

Not really, couple of days till summer vacation and still 150 ticket to handle.
I don't even have time to check and learn that uploader.

elitepromoTopic starter


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