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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Youtube Importer Dont Work (Blank Screen)

Started by stiffhd,

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stiffhdTopic starter

Hello ;D, I installed phpvibe recently and am making the final adjustments before placing in the air, but I'm having problems with youtube videos importer. I've tried everything, generate new API key (browser and server key) and still does not. Whenever I seek a video, channel or anything FICA SCREEN ALL WHITE and does not show any sign of continuation in the "script". I saw some tips forum but has not yet resulted. Could anyone help me? Thanks.

stiffhdTopic starter

WOW, Finally EVERYTHING is working! I leave here my SOLUTION for those who have this same problem. Follow These Steps to Get Your API KEY
- Login or register HERE = https://console.developers.google.com/
- Create a new name for your project (usually the site name)
- Now in the left menu, APIs / APIs for Youtube (date) Enable the API V3
- Again on the left, Credentials / Add / Browser Key
- DO NOT FILL THE DOMAIN NAME, LEAVE WHITE so that it accepts the "all referrers."
So, Copy / Paste the KEY on your PHPVIBE and VOUALA, The Magic is made!

Hopefully help you next;-)

PHPVibe A.

Hi, sorry, please use the search first, there are 10 topics on this and this one (first post) explains everything http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/phpvibe-announcements/the-youtube-importer-is-being-upgraded/

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