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All overlay, pre roll, ads are not playing properly in any players..

Started by prat,

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pratTopic starter

Hello Mario

All overlay, pre roll, ads are not playing properly in any players.. Mario this just for your info. I know you have priority so if possible rectify this when you get time.


Marius P.

What are you trying to pre-roll? It works fine for me...I've just tested.
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pratTopic starter

1) pre roll works on jwplayer uploaded video but not with YouTube video.. Overlay banner ads are not showing in any player.. Pre rolls Ads are not playing full screen in player
2) pre rolls are working in video ha but it is not showing player logo.. Overlay banner ads are not working in it and again pre rolls are not full screen.
3) flow player is giving problem on mobile playing with ads and no overlay banners are showing.

Marius P.

You know those ads never worked on full screen, right? On v4 not even the annotations were working on fullscreen (exception was jPlayer).
That was taken care of. http://www.videoscriptdemo.com/video/12228/taylor-swift-new-romantics/
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pratTopic starter

I don't know but my overlay banner ads are not showing in any video player.. And

2) video JS player is not showing website LoGo in player

Marius P.

Videojs doesn't have a website logo support.
We've built it for the previous version, but we didn't had time to customize their new version.
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Marius P.

You should check if the ads are there, also the source code of the page, the browser console...
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pratTopic starter

My html/js code for video overlay is below

<a href='https://twitter.com/domainame'; target='_blank'><img src='http://www.domain.com/card.png'/></a>

One more thing

In Any Player "SKIP THIS AND PLAY"  How we can make that show after few seconds like 30 second than it show "skip this and play".

Marius P.

Simple jquery :)


setTimeout(function () {
}, 4000);

4000 - 4 seconds, change it as you need. Drop it in any document ready zone of a jquery file.

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pratTopic starter

Sorry Marino
Can you tell me where I will have to put this code ? Which file to change.. Thank you for your support

Marius P.

You can add it to tpl/main/styles/js/phpvibe_app.js in the document ready zone (it's commented where it opens and closes).
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pratTopic starter

Hello Mario

I have tried above code of 'Skip and Play' appeared after 4 sec, As you instructed putting in above file but it is not working. Can you test from your side, is it working or not ? We all need this very badly.

Thx for your support



Quote from: @Mario on
You know those ads never worked on full screen, right? On v4 not even the annotations were working on fullscreen (exception was jPlayer).
That was taken care of. http://www.videoscriptdemo.com/video/12228/taylor-swift-new-romantics/

how do you add one pre roll to one video http://www.videoscriptdemo.com/video/12228/taylor-swift-new-romantics/
and another form of ad to another video ? http://www.videoscriptdemo.com/video/1576/parkland-official-trailer-1-2013-jfk-assasination-movie-hd/

you have 2 different for 2 different videos ? how this can be done ?

Also it seems that when i try this i have same issue the click here to start . it stays for one second or 2 and when i click refresh or go back to same video it does not pop up ? is this cache issue ?




pratTopic starter

Hello Mario

I have tried above code of 'Skip and Play' appeared after 4 sec, As you instructed putting in above file but it is not working. Can you test from your side, is it working or not ? We all need this very badly.

Thx for your support


Marius P.

I don't have access to PHPVibe's sources atm, after the Easter break (4th of May comeback) I can test.
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Marius P.

@spirog  the first one is a hosted video which has pre-roll and more, the second one is a Youtube video with an ad overlay.
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pratTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
I don't have access to PHPVibe's sources atm, after the Easter break (4th of May comeback) I can test.

Hello Mario

This is my request

I have tried above code of 'Skip and Play' appeared after 4 sec, As you instructed putting in above file but it is not working. Can you test from your side, is it working or not ? We all need this very badly.

Thx for your support



/* Ads*/
.floating-video-ad {position:absolute; z-index:99999999; display:block; width:100%; height:auto; opacity:1; text-align:center; }
.floating-video-ad img{margin:1 auto;}
.floating-video-ad.adbottom {bottom:12%;}
.floating-video-ad.adtop {top:5px;}
.floating-video-ad .close-ad{background:url(../images/close_button.gif) no-repeat left top;position:absolute; right:3px; top:3px;z-index:9999; display:none; color:#666; line-height:17px; cursor:pointer;width:17px; height:17px;}
.floating-video-ad:hover .close-ad{display:block!important;}

pratTopic starter

Quote from: giovanni on
/* Ads*/
.floating-video-ad {position:absolute; z-index:99999999; display:block; width:100%; height:auto; opacity:1; text-align:center; }
.floating-video-ad img{margin:1 auto;}
.floating-video-ad.adbottom {bottom:12%;}
.floating-video-ad.adtop {top:5px;}
.floating-video-ad .close-ad{background:url(../images/close_button.gif) no-repeat left top;position:absolute; right:3px; top:3px;z-index:9999; display:none; color:#666; line-height:17px; cursor:pointer;width:17px; height:17px;}
.floating-video-ad:hover .close-ad{display:block!important;}

Thanks for you help but I want How we can make "SKIP THIS AND PLAY" buttons appears after playing ads few seconds.. e.g. like 30 second .


pratTopic starter

Hello Mario

Above code is working now..

Is it possible that As soon as Pre Roll ADS get over video will start without pressing "SKIP and PLAY" button ? (Is there a way for the video to start playing automatically after the preroll ad? )

Is it possible to remove player SKIN from ADS Video ?


Marius P.

You want the video to start in background? Under the pre-roll? Or what?

Both the questions are pretty much...can't get them...please rephrase
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pratTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
You want the video to start in background? Under the pre-roll? Or what?

Both the questions are pretty much...can't get them...please rephrase

1) No I don't want video to start in bckgraound..... but I want As soon as Pre Roll ads get over VIDEO will start automatically... right now it is not like that We have to press SKIP button of Pre Roil ads after complete... for playing Video..

2) how to Remove player buttons which is coming while playing preroll ads ... for second Question (image attached)

Marius P.

1 & 2. You do realise the built in pre-rolls in PHPVibe are not video ads? They are just html overlays. So, they do not track the video you embed there. There is no support for that.
Use a VAST plugin for the player your use, or an ads edition, depending on the player.
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