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Arabic url and user name to profile issue

Started by yafe3,

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yafe3Topic starter

Hi Mario
first no rush, you know whats priority
i get the table for the Arabic language and im able to get Arabic url
but i got another problem is when i click on a user with an arabic letters i get non video available page
and the  link look like this : http://www.mywebsite.com/profile/-مستقيم-طريق/3/
but without the table i will not be able to get arabic url
but when i click on user with an Arabic user name it works fin and redirect me to his profile but the link will not have his real name in arabic it will have English letters  witch is wrong
the url looks like this http://www.mywebsite.com/profile/-ltryk-lmstkym/3/

the table  to get Arabic urls im using is this witch is awesome to have Arabic url but only the issue mentioned above

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]/* Arabic */[/size][/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]'D9AA' => '٪', 'D9AD' => '٭', 'D88C' => '،', 'D9A0' => '٠', 'D9A1' => '١', 'D9A2' => '٢', 'D9A3' => '٣', 'D9A4' => '٤',[/size][/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]'D9A5' => '٥', 'D9A6' => '٦', 'D9A7' => '٧', 'D9A8' => '٨', 'D9A9' => '٩', 'D89B' => '؛', 'D89F' => '؟', 'D8A1' => 'ء', [/size][/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]'D8A2' => 'آ', 'D8A3' => 'أ', 'D8A4' => 'ؤ', 'D8A5' => 'إ', 'D8A6' => 'ئ', 'D8A7' => 'ا', 'D8A8' => 'ب', 'D8A9' => 'ة', [/size][/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]'D8AA' => 'ت', 'D8AB' => 'ث', 'D8AC' => 'ج', 'D8AD' => 'ح', 'D8AE' => 'خ', 'D8AF' => 'د', 'D8B0' => 'ذ', 'D8B1' => 'ر', [/size][/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]'D8B2' => 'ز', 'D8B3' => 'س', 'D8B4' => 'ش', 'D8B5' => 'ص', 'D8B6' => 'ض', 'D8B7' => 'ط', 'D8B8' => 'ظ', 'D8B9' => 'ع', [/size][/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]'D8BA' => 'غ', 'D980' => 'ـ', 'D981' => 'ف', 'D982' => 'ق', 'D983' => 'ك', 'D984' => 'ل', 'D985' => 'م', 'D986' => 'ن', [/size][/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]'D987' => 'ه', 'D988' => 'و', 'D989' => 'ى', 'D98A' => 'ي',[/size][/font]

Marius P.

From those links I wonder more about the -3 thing...why is it -3? That will definitely throw a 404 with or without arabic
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yafe3Topic starter


yafe3Topic starter

Please  mario add  the table  i give to phpvibe so it will  be supporting  Arabic  urls .witch  a lot of members  are looking  for ,but you will face one issue  witch is ,any member  want to visit a channel  with an Arabic  name he will get an error   only  the owner  can visit  his channel  by clicking  my channel, so some  how you need to fix the link

Marius P.

But that table doesn't do anything.

Look at the default format:

/* Arabic */
'أ' => 'a', 'ب' => 'b', 'ت' => 't', 'ث' => 'th', 'ج' => 'g', 'ح' => 'h', 'خ' => 'kh', 'د' => 'd',
'ذ' => 'th', 'ر' => 'r', 'ز' => 'z', 'س' => 's', 'ش' => 'sh', 'ص' => 's', 'ض' => 'd', 'ط' => 't',
'ظ' => 'th', 'ع' => 'aa', 'غ' => 'gh', 'ف' => 'f', 'ق' => 'k', 'ك' => 'k', 'ل' => 'l', 'م' => 'm',
'ن' => 'n', 'ه' => 'h', 'و' => 'o', 'ي' => 'y',

It's replacement => initial
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: yafe3 on
Please  mario add  the table  i give to phpvibe so it will  be supporting  Arabic  urls .witch  a lot of members  are looking  for ,but you will face one issue  witch is ,any member  want to visit a channel  with an Arabic  name he will get an error   only  the owner  can visit  his channel  by clicking  my channel, so some  how you need to fix the link

Small issue with the messages database for non-utf languages.

Run this

Code: [Select]

ALTER TABLE  `vibe_con_msgs` CHANGE  `reply`  `reply` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_swedish_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL ;

Code: [Select]


with your table prefix.

yafe3Topic starter

Hi Mario this is the right table couldn't edit my past comment sorry
im able to get Arabic urls in y websites 99% im getting all the letters  correct, only this  ؟  (facing right) not this ?   i cant find the exact code for it
but any other letter works fin for example
[/size]so phpvibe supporting arabic letters now
[/size]but  i have the issue explaned on top when i click on the name of a user i get 404 error
[/size]i uploaded some videos on videoinedit with Arabic titles after u update the table
[/size] url will get arabic characters , then go ahead and click on my user you will not be able to visit my channel  take a look please.thank you

'D9AA' => '٪', 'D9AD' => '٭', 'D88C' => '،', 'D9A0' => '٠', 'D9A1' => '١', 'D9A2' => '٢', 'D9A3' => '٣', 'D9A4' => '٤',
'D9A5' => '٥', 'D9A6' => '٦', 'D9A7' => '٧', 'D9A8' => '٨', 'D9A9' => '٩', 'D89B' => '؛', 'D89F' => '؟', 'D8A1' => 'ء',
'D8A2' => 'آ', 'D8A3' => 'أ', 'D8A4' => 'ؤ', 'D8A5' => 'إ', 'D8A6' => 'ئ', 'D8A7' => 'ا', 'D8A8' => 'ب', 'D8A9' => 'ة',
'D8AA' => 'ت', 'D8AB' => 'ث', 'D8AC' => 'ج', 'D8AD' => 'ح', 'D8AE' => 'خ', 'D8AF' => 'د', 'D8B0' => 'ذ', 'D8B1' => 'ر',
'D8B2' => 'ز', 'D8B3' => 'س', 'D8B4' => 'ش', 'D8B5' => 'ص', 'D8B6' => 'ض', 'D8B7' => 'ط', 'D8B8' => 'ظ', 'D8B9' => 'ع',
'D8BA' => 'غ', 'D980' => 'ـ', 'D981' => 'ف', 'D982' => 'ق', 'D983' => 'ك', 'D984' => 'ل', 'D985' => 'م', 'D986' => 'ن',
'D987' => 'ه', 'D988' => 'و', 'D989' => 'ى', 'D98A' => 'ي',

yafe3Topic starter

Quote from: spirog on
Small issue with the messages database for non-utf languages.

Run this

thank you sir i did it last time i saw it in your thread its fixed

Marius P.

Do you really need to keep the profiles/channels with the username in them in Permalinks? Even Youtube doesn't do that.
For utf-8 languages that's a bit tricky. You could slug them to be sure, prefix them with a different /folder like /channel/logic here
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

yafe3Topic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
Do you really need to keep the profiles/channels with the username in them in Permalinks? Even Youtube doesn't do that.
For utf-8 languages that's a bit tricky. You could slug them to be sure, prefix them with a different /folder like /channel/logic here

no  no i dont wanna have a arabic url for the user channel, like u said even youtube dont do that, i just want to be able to reach a user channel and visit it when a user have a arabic name, maybe make that table change only the video urls not the user name

Marius P.

Just go to settings -> permalinks and change the structure to not include :name
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


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