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help need i cant import youtube vidoe

Started by fenzuu,

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fenzuuTopic starter

hello guy i just installed phpvibe 5 setup everything from admin , but i cant import vidoe from adamin also as a user memer i cant Embed a video , always show blank page nothing comeup .
can someone help out

Marius P.

Quote from: fenzuu on
hello guy i just installed phpvibe 5 setup everything from admin , but i cant import vidoe from adamin also as a user memer i cant Embed a video , always show blank page nothing comeup .
can someone help out

Hi. Did you setup an Googe app? http://www.phpvibe.com/installing-phpvibe/
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fenzuuTopic starter

thanks mario that video Tutorial really help it was my fault i place the wrong key previously working great now

Marius P.

Cool you've sorted it out. With pleasure!
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Hey Mario I went through these steps The upgrade is similar to v4's ones before.

The file in the zip pack /Upgrader/v4 to v5/sqlupgrader.php does all the job database wise.
Upload it to your root installation (near load.php) and open it in browser as www.yoursite.com/sqlupgrader.php  , wait for it to say the upgrade was done.

Now your PHPVibe v4 database was converted to v5.
And I am getting a 404 error. This is what is wrong with the images the table changed and I didn't know about the upgrade sqlupgrade.php can I get some help far as the steps I should take? Thank you

Marius P.

404 and for is happening where? Please be specific, I can't help with so few details.
The upgrade was explained here step by step http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/231/upgrading-to-v5-from-v4/
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
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