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Hi! Enable error_reporting on top of index.php from 0 to E_ALL, so an error pops

Started by spirog,

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spirogTopic starter

from another post.. you wrote this..
QuoteHi! Enable error_reporting on top of index.php from 0 to E_ALL, so an error pops, of check the error log.

my Question is i saw a file that had () no number in it.. ?? would this create error or not make work correctly that page. or part of script ? i will search and find file, just wondering

was at top of page for error_reporting ()

will report back with what file was missing error_reporting (0)

just want to make sure this would not cause dis-function of script

Marius P.

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spirogTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
I'm honestly incapable of understanding what you need....but http://php.net/manual/ro/function.error-reporting.php

sorry was half asleep asking this question...

what i meant. in index.php you have on top line a little code says:
<?php  error_reporting(0);
// Degugging?

i could swear i saw another file that had same thing but no 0 in the ()

example: <?php  error_reporting(); instead of: <?php  error_reporting(0);

would that make the script give error or not work right ?

that was my question :)

Marius P.

I assume using a blank error_reporting is a problem.
But, this function just sets how and if PHP reports errors, warnings, etc.
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