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JwPlayer controls missing on embed

Started by neospider69,

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neospider69Topic starter

Hi @Mario.

Firstly i want like to really congratulate you for all your efforts in V5 and all the bug fixing that you have been done. U've been relentless.


Embedind videos on jwplayer is not showing controls


Marius P.

Hi! Thank you!
I'll look/post at their forum. Video players are not something I can build, I work in php.
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neospider69Topic starter

any update on this @Mario?

Also, none of the players (except jwplayer ) works embeded under https
Thanks in advanced

Marius P.

Https is a pain. For now we don't have support for that.
My mail wasn't answered, and at their rate, I assume 2-3 weeks with Easter coming.
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neospider69Topic starter

Hi Mario, i managed to make the sites work perfectly on https ( but took me 2 days worth of test and trial ), its just the issue with the controls on jwplayer, as i will be using it to embed videos within my websites, and its quite annoying that users cant do anything.

One thing i noticed, the controls loads, but then shuts down, maybe its something within jwplayer config file?

Marius P.

I don't think so. I think mostly it fails to hover.
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neospider69Topic starter

don't quite know, just found it odd. you can have a look in here


PHPVibe A.

Mixed Content: The page at 'https://www.videosquad.eu/embed/6/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
www.videosquad.eu/:18 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
www.videosquad.eu/:41 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
jwplayer.js:1 'webkitMovementX' is deprecated. Please use 'movementX' instead.
jwplayer.js:1 'webkitMovementY' is deprecated. Please use 'movementY' instead.
https://www.videosquad.eu/media/b6f6ffcfdbdffdc44d17e6f7a7b9a59f-720hd.mp4 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH

PHPVibe A.

I've fixed all this now in com/com_embed.php pulling the new jquery.
But it seems it has not done anything to the controls issue.

neospider69Topic starter


neospider69Topic starter



Quote from: neospider69 on
and i found this after a quick search

   here was  the code they added ( thanks to neospider69 for finding the link)

Answer accepted

$("#open_link, #menu").hover(function() {
$("#open_link, #menu").mouseleave(function() {

can someone tell us where we would try and add this code to see if it works ?


neospider69Topic starter

i've seen that, just don't know how to implement it

Marius P.

neospider you talk about jwplayer? Cause your code is from jplayer, not jwplayer.
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neospider69Topic starter

i know, but it seems that jplayer js is loaded with jwplayer for some reason

Marius P.

Both are always loaded.
But they do not conflict.
That jquery deprecation notice is harmless.
Focusing on it will just lead you to a wrong direction.
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