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not getting updates?

Started by leen12,

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leen12Topic starter

when i purchased it said i would get product updates etc why cant i download v5?
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if you paid after jan1 2016 says you get the update i believe if not you have to go to downloads under your name is dropdown >> upgrades see there what is says ? should be an upgraade fee less than whole purchase price

Marius P.

That's incorrect a bit.
Clients from 2015 and 2016 get this upgrade free ( a bit more than the 1 year free upgrades promised in the TOS).
The rest have it as an upgrade offer under

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leen12Topic starter

so it was false advertising when i bought it? becuase it didnt say until whatever date or for 1 year...

thats kinda very shit

i would like to think longer term users would get some kind of support or atleast not be treated like this.. disgraceful in my opinion. i paid to get future updates aswell i only bought it because i liked v2 and 3 then you sold and updated to the shitter v4 with tons of issues

now you write another one and expect me to buy it again

thanks a lot
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Marius P.

@leen12 nobody puts you to upgrade.
You've brought up to v4, you've gotten support trough so much time, if it's not worth a lousy 30 euro our job, ok, cool, nobody forces you to anything.
It's clearly stated in the TOS, all is clearly stated http://www.phpvibe.com/terms-of-agreement/

Product updates are free for a minimum period of 12 months.
After this period expires if a major version is released you will be able to extend access to updates by paying a certain fee (10%-40% of the original price.).

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If u bought windows xp, didn't mean that u had free upgrades every time a new version of Windows came out.

Marius P.

Wow...so Leen's total purchases over 3 years are 54 euros. Less than the current price for the cms...
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leen12Topic starter

so basically your taking the piss out of the fact i dont have loads of money and saying its my fault you have increased the price of your products
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Quote from: leen12 on
so basically your taking the piss out of the fact i dont have loads of money and saying its my fault you have increased the price of your products

You're looking at it wrong. Think of it like this V5 beta is a huge upgrade already from V3, If you already own V3 and V5 never existed and you wanted to hire a developer to add V5 features it would be so much more than 30euros. A lot more. So in a sense you're saving a lot of money AND contributing back to the phpvibe project to keep it going. Honestly think about it.

Marius P.

Quote from: leen12 on
so basically your taking the piss out of the fact i dont have loads of money and saying its my fault you have increased the price of your products

No, I'm just shocked you are the one jumping, when others have spent more than 200 euro and now pay 30 without any complains.
I can tell you that PHPVibe was out of money too since end of last year, almost closing down, before this upgrade saved it. And that would have left many thousands of customers very pissed off.

Usually you make 50-100 euro a month easily by keeping a video website with minimal webmastering experience.
If you don't have 30, you are doing something wrong or do not take advantage of what you've brought.
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Marius P.

Quote from: awsjulio on
You're looking at it wrong. Think of it like this V5 beta is a huge upgrade already from V3, If you already own V3 and V5 never existed and you wanted to hire a developer to add V5 features it would be so much more than 30euros. A lot more. So in a sense you're saving a lot of money AND contributing back to the phpvibe project to keep it going. Honestly think about it.

I agree! I honestly do not understand human psychology : they can easily pay 50$ on a wordpress theme or plugin, but think a full cms is expensive.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


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