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Started by danilostorm,

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danilostormTopic starter

Hello I bought  phpvibe 4 upgrade does not appear to me for PHPVIBE 5


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Marius P.

Hi! The upgrading in the store was done last night.

If you brought it in 2015 and 2016 it should be in your account. Else, go to upgrade under the username menu in header.
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mario,play list não mostra no carrocel na home,ele mostra os videos que então dentro da play list,pode mudar para mostrar play list separadas?

Marius P.

Quote from: wolftbpg on
mario,play list não mostra no carrocel na home,ele mostra os videos que então dentro da play list,pode mudar para mostrar play list separadas?

English, please...
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mario, playlist NOT show Carrocel not in the house , He shows videos OS que THEN Within playlist , CAN Change to Show separate playlist ?


Marius P.

Never had in mind to add a playlists carousel. But it can be done. Let me see what's wrong around and i'll add that also.
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Quote from: @Mario on
Hi! The upgrading in the store was done last night.

If you brought it in 2015 and 2016 it should be in your account. Else, go to upgrade under the username menu in header.

Can't see also bought a update 1st January of 2015 and asking me to pay.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

Marius P.

Quote from: kingofseo on
Can't see also bought a update 1st January of 2015 and asking me to pay.

Did you actually buy in 2015?
If you've upgraded for the upgrade price, it's normal it will ask you to upgrade again.
The full purchases are calculated only.
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Quote from: @Mario on
Did you actually buy in 2015?
If you've upgraded for the upgrade price, it's normal it will ask you to upgrade again.
The full purchases are calculated only.

Yes i purchased an update do i still need to pay?
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

Marius P.

Quote from: kingofseo on
Yes i purchased an update do i still need to pay?

Yes, if you buy an upgrade, the next one is paid. It's only free for people in free upgrade period.
I wish it wasn't the case to put a tax, but I've explained in the other topic.
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there are instructions for upgrading from version 4 to 5?

Marius P.

Quote from: @Mario on
Hi guys! It's still work in progress.
I've applied two patches last night to:

- sqlupdater.php (mismatched prefix for conversation messages table)
- tpl/main/images-loop.php (sharing links where blank)

I haven't announced it just because it's in beta and not all elements are final, or checked.

Upgrading should be simple:

- Redownload (best way)

- /media
- /uploads
- vibe_config.php (easiest way to keep is to delete the one in the new v5 pack before uploading)

At the bottom of vibe_config.php add

/* Choose between mysqli (improved) (Note: beta wrapper in PHPVibe) and mysql */
 define( 'cacheEngine', 'mysqli' );

To switch it to mysql improved.
Else it will keep using mysql as database engine.

Upload and fire up sqlupgrade.php to get the new database upgrades in place.
Else, the files have been changed.

Make sure you chmod /moderator/alog.txt to 0777 or your writeable number.

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not converted all quality formats. Moreover, once a file is added Tagged with hd




Quote from: max18121980 on
and do not create thumbnails
do you have other formats in moderator panel?

And i've been findind that v5 wont upscale, so will only transcode 1080p if original video is 1080p or bigger.

But i might be wrong


when i install vibe 5 (fresh install) and add a video, then click drop down >> then click video >> seems to be in a loop to find noimage.png, so i added noimage.png and it seems to be ok now.

also i cannot get email after trying to register for account - user is created as inactive ?? how to fix this

also some issue i find in upload video and music when first install... the upload bar was not working ??

upload.php has cache for 12 hours. i change to 0 then was able to upload ?? is there an issue with cache in more files ? can you run vibe with no cache ??

am i missing a step ? do we need to have cron.php running every so often ? and if so can you tell me what correct values crons need to be setup in order to run vibe 5 smoothly with no issues ??
will post more bugs as i find them

thanks Mario


Hi Mario, im admin vibe5 you have User Channels >> User Groups : what function will you give for

Administrators    Yes    Delete
Moderators       No    Delete
Author            No    Delete
Members            No    Delete

is this still in the works (fresh install vibe5)
there are no options ? just admin or no

will there be options for moderators, authors to write blogs etc ? just don't understand the feature the way it is

will be great if we can select option and they login in another admin section : to have there own area to work on blogs for authors, video editing and moderating for moderators... etc .

thanks - you could be making this already and im asking a dumb question, but just noticed this and am wondering what your up to here :)

thanks again @Mario awesome awesome work. sad i did not get this script long long time ago


Quote from: @Mario on
English, please...

mario, play list does not show the carousel on the home , it shows the videos so within the play list , you can switch to display separate list play ?

this is what he said :)


@Mario BUG# I click rating thumbs up.. hours later i click to undo, then click again to thumbs up count is not correct ?
see photos
vibe 5 fresh install with updated files since 12pm tuesday america/chicago


@Mario Bug# what you hearted should be 1 for each since its in this folder

see photo

Also when you click to view a photo - it opens up in a window and the only way to get back to prev page is back click button ? need better option to view next photo or make just a popup then close  and stay on same page...

like you have on your main website phpvibe 5 edge >> http://www.phpvibe.com/
click any photo and only get popup with click to close option :)

using firefox browser latest version



Dashboard align notifications and why 2 links are the same

right side of page drop down see photo

Firefox Browser



when you fix all of bugs v5, i am still waiting to update this script

Marius P.

Quote from: nithushan8 on
when you fix all of bugs v5, i am still waiting to update this script

As long as they are reported they are on the fixing list.
I'm working.
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