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Started by danilostorm,

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For 'Collections'. When after going to it and choosing a Playlist. For Example: http://www.bakedfish.es/lists/ then hitting 'Absolute Duo'. As you can see on http://www.bakedfish.es/playlist/absolute-duo/49/. Nothing is displayed on that page. Meaning something is wrong with 'Collections'. Given the videos in that section does not display.

Also not sure if a pop out side bar is suppose to appear on that page. Being I don't see one on the right side.

Marius P.

Hmm, it works as forwarding http://www.bakedfish.es/video/79/playlist/&list=49&pos=42
Can you do this

in tpl/main/playlist.php



add this line


so we see what's going on.
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Marius P.

Quote from: spirog on

Dashboard align notifications and why 2 links are the same

right side of page drop down see photo

Firefox Browser

Drop this at the end of tpl/main/style/phpvibe.css

/*Icons on dropdown*/
.my-buzz a, .my-inbox a{ padding-right:3px; display:block; overflow:hidden; position:relative;}
.my-buzz span , .my-inbox span {position:absolute; right:0;top:9px}
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Quote from: @Mario on
Hmm, it works as forwarding http://www.bakedfish.es/video/79/playlist/&list=49&pos=42
Can you do this

in tpl/main/playlist.php



add this line


so we see what's going on.

Tried and did not work.

Marius P.

Quote from: spirog on
@Mario Bug# what you hearted should be 1 for each since its in this folder

see photo

Also when you click to view a photo - it opens up in a window and the only way to get back to prev page is back click button ? need better option to view next photo or make just a popup then close  and stay on same page...

like you have on your main website phpvibe 5 edge >> http://www.phpvibe.com/
click any photo and only get popup with click to close option :)

using firefox browser latest version

Nice catch, the lib/ajax/heart.php was trying to update a video.

Update query should be changed to

$db->query("UPDATE ".DB_PREFIX."images set liked = liked+1 where id = '".$id."'");
in next patch.

The lightbox wasn't yet installed, still looking at different options of lightboxes.
Also how to style and put the user on the image page and various elements
I warned about missing elements. But thank you for reporting this.
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Marius P.

Quote from: DeadFish on
Tried and did not work.

It should output a query table there whith the error
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Quote from: @Mario on
It should output a query table there whith the error

If you want. I can literally just grant you access to our ftp. Being I followed it precisely. Just didn't change the appearance. Just send me a pm, and I'll give you full direct ftp access to it. Just so you can check this out yourself.

Marius P.

I'm with my hand in code, would just appreciate the error, please!
Just drop that line exactly where I've told you, since on my sites it works fine.
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Quote from: @Mario on
I'm with my hand in code, would just appreciate the error, please!
Just drop that line exactly where I've told you, since on my sites it works fine.

As stated I did and it did not work.


@Mario repost in this section
there is an eror when you try login with facebook. (videoinedit).
if you cancel access see this log:

Notice: Undefined variable: user_profile in /home/videoine/public_html/callback.php on line 51

Notice: Undefined index: id in /home/videoine/public_html/callback.php on line 59

Notice: Undefined index: name in /home/videoine/public_html/callback.php on line 60

Notice: Undefined index: name in /home/videoine/public_html/callback.php on line 61

Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/videoine/public_html/callback.php on line 62

Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/videoine/public_html/callback.php on line 65

Notice: Undefined index: bio in /home/videoine/public_html/callback.php on line 66

Notice: Undefined index: gender in /home/videoine/public_html/callback.php on line 67
array(10) { ["fid"]=> NULL ["name"]=> NULL ["username"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> NULL ["local"]=> NULL ["country"]=> NULL ["bio"]=> NULL ["gender"]=> NULL ["avatar"]=> string(60) "https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v2/yA/r/gPCjrIGykBe.gif" ["type"]=> string(8) "facebook" } Error. Please go back


Just to be sure. You wanted me to add $db->debug(); under include_once(TPL.'/video-loop.php');

Given that you said 'after' or did you mean replace?

Either way I did PM our FTP Info. Just so you could inspect it yourself. If you were up for it. Being adding that code in another line after  include_once(TPL.'/video-loop.php');. Just did not work.

Marius P.

Quote from: DeadFish on
As stated I did and it did not work.

Well, $db->debug() always outputs something no matter where you put it...so it's weird "it didn't work"...that's all :)
I meant exactly what I said, right after, after, right after that line.
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Marius P.

Added owner info and in collections info on single image.
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Quote from: @Mario on
Well, $db->debug() always outputs something no matter where you put it...so it's weird "it didn't work"...that's all :)
I meant exactly what I said, right after, after, right after that line.

As you can see . I did exactly just that. Yet nothing happened. Pretty much why I gave you access to inspect on our end. If you opted to choose to.

Marius P.

Hmm, that says something! Is it seen as an album? ptype 2 attached to the playlist in the database?
Place same a bit downer under include image-loop.php
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Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: @Mario on
Hmm, that says something! Is it seen as an album? ptype 2 attached to the playlist in the database?
Place same a bit downer under include image-loop.php

Just did. Result: http://www.bakedfish.es/playlist/absolute-duo/49/

Marius P.

Last Error -- [table 'bakedfis_encodes.vibe_images' doesn't exist]

Did you run sqlupgrader.php ? Cause you miss tables.
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Quote from: @Mario on
Last Error -- [table 'bakedfis_encodes.vibe_images' doesn't exist]

Did you run sqlupgrader.php ? Cause you miss tables.

Directions in the downloaded folder content. Did not instruct on how to apply that or if it was needed. Not even instructed in the latest tutorial.




Quote from: wolftbpg on
hello mario , videos do not appear ;

You have to update your JWPlayer Key. By registering on JW players site (https://dashboard.jwplayer.com/). Then in the Panel. Go to 'Settings' and then 'Players'. Under Video Page Settings. You'll see a blank space above JWPlayer Key. Insert the Key that was provided from the JWPlayer site into that line. Then hit Update Settings. Your player should begin to work.




Well hope its not a compatibility issue.


I tested it with the original phpvibe player and the problem is the same.


this problem is not in the player and in that the video is not coded at all and has a value of zero bytes. I'll give you a variable in for ffmpeg that will solve this problem :)




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