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The problem of video viewing PHPVibe 5.0

Started by Nayn,

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NaynTopic starter


Testing Demo version on PHPVibe 5.0

The problem, cheat reads the page is refreshed . Need anti cheat views.

Example Video Youtube:


Marius P.

Hi! That's PHPVibe 4 (not 5). And indeed, it counts every view. You can change this by comparing it to the history session, but most of our clients do not want this, so we had to remove it.
Verify your account if you are a client and I can give you a code solution in clients forums.

PHPVibe 5 is here http://www.videoinedit.com/

Thank you for the intention of pointing out something out of place!
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why I did not create thumbnails, it is to decide?

NaynTopic starter

I plan to become your customer and buy the product. I like essential viewing and ranking in the top.

max18121980 - я тебе не могу написать в личку (


у меня тоже не получается, дашь скап?

Marius P.

Quote from: max18121980 on
why I did not create thumbnails, it is to decide?

Max, did you do your configuration of Settings -> FFMPEG Conversion?

I promise you if you jump in another thread again with something unrelated (I think this is at least the 50th time I ask you to open an topic, do not post in other people's topic) I will suspend you from support!
Also, check FFMPEG Log in the bottom of the admin menu , that should tell you what's wrong with your configs.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


hello mario.multiplas qualities does not work when the video is in HD normal quality does not work only Hd works

NaynTopic starter

Beta test...
Another problem with the amount of view video. )


It would be better as an option to add views and likes, but with anti - refresh view. Who should be included in the admin panel , who do not need to shut off from the admin panel.


Attached image files do not work :(


honestly, if i wanted to cheat view i would go to the db and put whatever views i wanted.... way faster than that

Marius P.

Quote from: wolftbpg on
hello mario.multiplas qualities does not work when the video is in HD normal quality does not work only Hd works

The videos are not upscaled.
If the video has a smaller height than the quality/qualities you have selected it gets passed. So if you only convert to 720 but the video is 240 it will get skipped.
I've explained this before in the first v5 thread.
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Marius P.

@Nayn most of the queries are cached, on Videoinedit.com they are cached for 12hours.
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is not isso.se I leave for more than one quality the player works only in HD , others do not work


Quote from: @Mario on
The videos are not upscaled.
If the video has a smaller height than the quality/qualities you have selected it gets passed. So if you only convert to 720 but the video is 240 it will get skipped.
I've explained this before in the first v5 thread.

can you please see this:

i am not too good with understanding ffmpeg but can read pretty well :)

you say if user uploads video format 240 but I have have 480 720 it will skip.... but it will make thumb and make it look like its uploading... can you make it not upload at all ... no thumb no description etc.. i just found out this and make the post above.

So issue will be user upload and we get no videos to play but seems like video should play .. so this would be nice to give error
in upload form some how
or make clear what formats we would select show in upload like .flv.avi etc..
and under only 360 480 720 videos will work example




algem there could make multiple help funcionar.presciso qualities are my errors.


how and where to leave jwplayer in autoplay ?




Quote from: wolftbpg on
qualities now work , but when done uploading large video or the player appears :(

they work -- try this

add lowest number first

we need to add lowest number, first. i think 360 should be good start then 480 and if you want to go more then add 720 also and more add 1080.

so add 360 480 then try it then continue to add till your happy

NaynTopic starter

It would be cool if you have fixed views when you refresh the page. Put the number of viewing video over IP filter. One IP, one viewing video.

NaynTopic starter

That's working properly. Without cheating video.

Marius P.

Quote from: Nayn on
It would be cool if you have fixed views when you refresh the page. Put the number of viewing video over IP filter. One IP, one viewing video.

I've already answered and explained you this.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

Marius P.

Quote from: wolftbpg on
algem there could make multiple help funcionar.presciso qualities are my errors.

First, qualities were patched, did you upgrade?
Second: It won't scale up. It won't convert a 240p video into a 720p, but it will convert 720p video to 240p video (if 240 is added to qualities).
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Mario the videos not aparecem.e when I add qualities 360 and 480 are the works of 480.

Marius P.

Quote from: wolftbpg on
Mario the videos not aparecem.e when I add qualities 360 and 480 are the works of 480.

Did you patch it http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/232/v5-patches/ ?
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: wolftbpg on

this means your video did not upload.... i had same issue. I have 360 480 720 1080 setup in my admin section for ffmpeg
because this has happened to me also... even though video no upload, it still showd like upload and made title description tags and even thumbnail

this I thought was a bug also.. video should not upload at all, if not the right size.. so i added all those numbers to be safe ?


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