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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] video sections error

Started by leen12,

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leen12Topic starter


i noticed the other day some videos from various channels in my site are showing under a certain channel i though i must have added them in the wrong channel in the first place so i tried to edit them,

turns out they are in the correct channel but multiple channels are appearing under the second channel i have and random videos are showing instead of videos that should be in that channel..

sorry ino that probably sounds stupid im not sure how to explain it correctly,
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Marius P.

I didn't understand anything

If you have

main channel
- child 1
- child 2

The video from child 1 and child 2 will also show in the main channel.

So if you place a video in child 2, it will show in child 2 and main channel.

This is what got you confused?
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leen12Topic starter

no i have no child channels just main channels,

ok il try again,

i have cars, extreme and fails, animations, movies, and stuff like that,

in extreme and fails i see videos from music, movies, gaming, animations and cars

they are all main channels with no child channels
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Marius P.

Did you check in which category the videos actually are? Under "Details & embed"
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leen12Topic starter

yes they are in the wrong sections,

music, cars, animations and music all are in extreme and fails
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Marius P.

So basically you are telling me "extreme and fails" also contains this categories, even if they are not it's childs, right?
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Marius P.

WHERE ".DB_PREFIX."videos.category in (SELECT cat_id from ".DB_PREFIX."channels where cat_id = '".$channel->cat_id."' or child_of = '".$channel->cat_id."' )

I don't really see an error in the code  :-\
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leen12Topic starter

yes that is correct

im not sure why

here is a link so you can confirm

should be in music but its under extreme and fails
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Marius P.

I see it has music a category.
I see it in music category.
I don't see it under extreme and fails.
Which page of extreme and fails is it on?
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leen12Topic starter

it is 3 or 4 pages down in the extreme and fails section
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Marius P.

You couldn't pick one on the first page? :P
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Marius P.

Ok, I saw it...but can't explain it..happens the same in all channels?
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Marius P.

Nope, I've browsed games and it seems fine till the end....
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leen12Topic starter

lol sorry none of the videos on first page are wrong,

im not sure i took a quick look in other sections and cannot see anything yet,

i think its just the second channel, or the extreme and fails channel

i will let you know if i see it anywhere else
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Marius P.

It's a bit weird it happens to only one channel...do this, edit it's id to a bigger one, like from 2 to 22 so we can check wtf is the issue (via phpmyadmin).

Also update videos.
update vibe_videos set category = '22' where category = '2'
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leen12Topic starter

ok i did that,

seems to be fine now,

no videos look out of place and cannot see the videos from music etc..
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leen12Topic starter

so should i now leave it as 22? i actually moved them all back as after i moved them if i click extreme and fails it is not found,

let me know please thanks
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Marius P.

Clear cache via Moderator -> Tools -> Clean cache
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Marius P.

I guess you already moved them as extreme has again id 2
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leen12Topic starter

yea i did that last night as i did not want to leave my site with invalid links for anyone who visited.


yea clean cache did the job all is working fine now videos are as 22 and extreme and fails are as 22

thanks for the help mario
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Marius P.

You just had to clear cache as it was cached with id 2 in menu :)
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