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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Search by tags not working

Started by x5000x,

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x5000xTopic starter


When create video and add tags to it, then when i open that video and click on one of the tags is not finding any video for that tag but i know that there are many videos with that tag.

All i get message "Sorry but there are no results."
For example if  tag is "super fast cars" when you click search displays "super-fast-cars" then message "Sorry but there are no results." Maybe if script is not putting - in empty spaces it would work.

Any suggestions?


PHPVibe A.

Hi! What is the "Search for..." heading?
Could be that it's a 3 words, it does not search only in tags, but titles as well.

x5000xTopic starter

Hello Alex,

It only works if there is only single word as tag.

I just tested and put in the title 2 or 3 or 4 words then put same thing as tag in that case dos not work, because it automatically puts "-" in spacing and i guess that is the reason is not working. This should be looked into.

PHPVibe A.

It has nothing to do with "-" , I think it's splitted after.
will look into it, I personally never checked the search algorithm.


Quote from: x5000x on

When create video and add tags to it, then when i open that video and click on one of the tags is not finding any video for that tag but i know that there are many videos with that tag.

All i get message "Sorry but there are no results."
For example if  tag is "super fast cars" when you click search displays "super-fast-cars" then message "Sorry but there are no results." Maybe if script is not putting - in empty spaces it would work.

Any suggestions?



open lib/functions.php

go to line 694

find this code: $list .=  $pre.'<a class="'.$class.'" href="/show/'.$qterm.'">'.$keyword.'</a>'.$post;

and change: $list .=  $pre.'<a class="'.$class.'" href="/show/'.$keyword.'">'.$keyword.'</a>'.$post;

(only change .$qterm. to .$keyword.)

.$qterm. = super-fast-cars
.$keywork. = super fast cars

its worked for me. check it out http://video.anahaberler.com.tr

PHPVibe A.

That's not a perfect solution, as space shows up as %20 in the url (if you check).

Better try this:
open com/com_search.php and under:

if(!nullval($key)) {
$key = str_replace(array("-","+"),array(" "," "),$key);

bit under replace canonical with this:

// Canonical url
$canonical = site_url().show.url_split.str_replace(array(" "),array("-"),$key);

Seems to work: http://www.videoinedit.com/show/king+of+the


@Alexander thanks for reply but i try your solution it not working ?

x5000xTopic starter


Your solution is not working for me either.

PHPVibe A.

Can you give details, it can't work like Youtube, clearly, but show me what you try and some videos who should show up so I can see.

If you look for "Rihanna singing" clearly "Rihanna dancing" won't show up.

x5000xTopic starter


If you put tags for video for example "Super fast car" when you click on it id does not show no results even if there is more videos with that tag. When you click on it in search box it shows ""Super-fast-car"
than no results but i know there are more videos with that tag and that title just without -. For some reason it is putting "-" in empty spaces.

PHPVibe A.

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