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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Mass import from server path

Started by TigerClaw,

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TigerClawTopic starter

Hello, when it is going to be available (more or less) the mass import function from server path?
It would be nice if it would take description and title from the file name removing any character not included in [A-Z].
Also a "watch directory" feature would be very useful.

Thank you

PHPVibe A.

Hi, it's the to do list for the patches coming up.


The watch directory idea is very useful. its faster for me to upload GB of video over my cell dataplan and using ftp to upload to a watched directory has been very useful for me on another script.

PHPVibe A.

Did tell you on mail that we are working on it, didn't I? :)


yup :)
just wanted to add support for the idea here :)


is there any update to this?
import videos via ftp upload would be insanely useful right now :)

Marius P.

Could be part of the upcoming 4.0 (I don't have the sources from our old team, unfortunately, not sure where they've landed)
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