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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Webm and OGV issues

Started by dmacleo,

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dmacleoTopic starter

so trying to find a format that works in html5 with all browsers (yeah...its going THAT well LOL) so thought I would try ogv and WebM.
so I add it to allowed uploads, and after uploading (no matter what player used) I get error loading media file not found error even though filename is correct and is there.
mime type is added to server and ogv plays on the server on other domains ok.

do these work for other people? where we've been editing stuff to test things I wondered if something we've done may have caused this.

PHPVibe A.

Do they reconvert to .mp4?

Open lib/upload-ffmpeg.php and try this:

if($ext !== "mp4") {
//Needs converting

changed to

$ncv = array( "mp4","ogv","webm");
$ext = strtolower($ext);
if(!in_array($ext,$ncv)) {
//Needs converting

This way they will not reconvert at all and are used raw.

dmacleoTopic starter

you know I didn't think to see if they were reconverting, will check that and try this.

what version of ffmpeg do you guys use? I saw it mentioned before but cannot find it now, where I had installed mine to meet clipbucket needs I am considering removing and reinstalling to match up with what you guys know works.
did you use any ffmpeg auto installers or just manually compile it?

dmacleoTopic starter

II just found that info too after posting LOL

PHPVibe A.

dmacleoTopic starter

cool, thats the guide I was literally reading right now :)
the theora libraries caught my eye there and may be related here too.

PHPVibe A.

Could be. Works fine for us with no issues.

dmacleoTopic starter

testing this now, one thing I noticed is the videos are available immediately (at least they don't show warning) and I am not sure if thats correct.
on prior setup a msg showed conversion was still in process.
is it supposed to show like this? I am wondering about the php 5.5 / 5.4 (directadmin allows duel php versions) issue I had seen earlier and want to make sure this isn't a php 5.5.x issue

dmacleoTopic starter

looks like it was converting it all to mp4, added the changes and get
Quotef.playlist[0] is undefined
now. never seen that error before so not sure.
doesn't happen with mp4 uploaded.
think I'll just have to give up and accept firefox will not allow html5 capabilities, it plays just no real fast forward unless you've already downloaded to that point.

think I'll nuke everything, install it w/o the test mods, and just use it as is :)


PHPVibe A.

dmacleoTopic starter

in process of reinstalling now, need to really look into my php config as I think 5.5 is causing issue.

PHPVibe A.

dmacleoTopic starter

lol gonna need it, chrome not working right now, no ability to seek forward.
probably just had error on upload.
worst case is I restore backup, thats what they are for :)

dmacleoTopic starter


using chrome can you skip to the end as soon as it starts?
not sure why chrome not working right now on my end.

dmacleoTopic starter

disregard that, link won't work.
moving phpvibe to subdomain while I work on this stuff.

PHPVibe A.

It's important that you check the embed code from page source, so we can check jwplayer for details, maybe they need extra tags when embedding.

dmacleoTopic starter

got an ogv file uploaded, applied the patch to prevent mp4 conversion


you can see the playlist undefined error now.
not sure what you mean about embed code since this is self hosted/uploaded media. but you should be able to see the code the system generates for embedding there.
file was not converted to mp4 and filename is fc4e180cebfdbbdc2818d9d1b27eb336.ogv which seems normal.

going to see if webm does same thing, also going to delete and re-add the mime types to server just to make sure there wasn't error there. I don't think thats the issue though but I want to make sure.

dmacleoTopic starter

chrome shows this error as Cannot read property 'sources' of undefined

dmacleoTopic starter

webm works in chrome, firefox gives file could not be played error.

Marius P.

I think the issue is this:

type: "ogv"

in the player embed code.
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dmacleoTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
I think the issue is this:

type: "ogv"

in the player embed code.
what controls that?
not something I have control over is it?
really its a minor concern, was just testing the 2 (ogv/webm) to see if I could force firefox to work as needed since I cannot seem to force jwplayer to actually fallback to flash correctly.
but from everything I have seen theres no one format that will work in all browsers anyways so I would not waste a lot of time on this, was more a curiosity I guess.

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